Although there are an abundant amount of splendid countries in the world, the United States is one of the most successful and admirable countries. There are abounding reasons why the United States is a wonderful place. There is always an opportunity to further education or just to be able to get an education.
First and foremost, there are countries that have limited time to receive and education for their lives. United States is unlike these countries. Here, you can arrogate the education you need as soon as a person reaches the appropriate age. Also, if an adult decides to return back to college after they have previously earned a degree, they have that right. There is always that choice to further your education and go back to college.
There are many different views on the world but they come together with society all trying to understand how the world works and also understanding the type of society life goes on in:utopian, dystopian, or anti-utopia. As the well-known American boxer and activist, Muhammad Ali, states, “America is the greatest country in the world”(Muhammad Ali) society sees the irony behind Muhammad’s inaccurate quote as he has not lived in another country and does not have the evidence to prove that America is the greatest country in the world. Muhammad’s quote provides evidence that society only looks at what is directly in front of them and refuses to see the world around them. Muhammad, a wealthy famous man made millions of dollars which not many can relate to. Many people cease to look at the world’s entire picture and chose only to view the world as a whole through their own perspective. Many people are in opposition to Muhammad case as not a lot of people and everything in life in their favor, which is why the world
A ghoul remembers her first meal. If I were one of those gruesome, flesh-eating creatures, my name would be Lizzie Borden especially since she horrifically murdered her stepmother and father. While her father slept, the infamous murdered violently mutilated and killed him, continuing her plan to do the same to her stepmother upstairs. She was tried and released, without anyone ever being charged with the crimes. After the murder, Lizzie and her sister Emma bought a house with their inheritance. Although the court determined her innocence, she was still looked down upon by the suspicious community. Lizzie is a particularly appalling murder due to the fact that it was her own parents that she unpredictably executed. In the Graveyard Book by
Simply put no, America is not the greatest country on earth; even though most American’s choose to believe it is. While I know that almost all Americans share a very strong sense of pride and nationalism; not to mention a devout love for their country, it’s just that they might not think about it 24-7. I disagree greatly with the very often wrong and misstated statistics that suggest that America is just another sad declining country; the statistics people quote are just fake and insensitive to our nation. With that said we are, as a nation, falling behind on some categories like education and healthcare. The United States is almost last in childhood obesity in 2-4 year olds; also the U.S.
Since the Founding Fathers the United States has earned its ability to be called one of the most powerful countries in the world not only through its victories in numerous battles, but through it ability to govern its people and the world. The face of this country lies within its main leader, the president of the United States. Since our first president it has always been known as an honorary position reflecting both prestige and high status that has always been given by the American people because of their respect for the person in charge. It is a job like no other, one that holds an extreme amount of power.
With dedication, one can achieve greatness. When one practices enough, they will become good enough to excel past expectations. If one is persistent enough for the right amount of rime, one can reach the goal he has set for himself. The road to success may not always be easy, but that is where the men and the boys are separated.
The United States has earned the reputation of a leading country that successfully practices democracy. Foreign policy is such a vital aspect of the way citizens of the United States select their government officials. Congress and the president are elected by voters who believe they are best suited to represent our country diplomatically and domestically. When President Obama was elected to a second term, foreign countries like Syria and Iran anticipated his foreign policy to match the previous four years (Ismail, 2013). The decisions that Congress and the president make include the option to take military action when deemed necessary. For example, on April 6, 2017 under President Donald Trump, the United States launched a missile strike
Former president Barack Obama once said, “If you’re walking down the right path and you’re willing to keep walking, eventually you’ll make progress” (Brainy). When Thomas Jefferson first signed the Declaration of Independence, the United States was far from united; however, the first 100 years of the United States’ existence changed everything. The United States was able to overcome immense challenges as a new nation and come together to become one of the most succesfull powers the world has ever seen. As a country, the people were not just able to sustain themselves, but with a series technological advancements, the country transformed into an economic powerhouse. The increase in productive efficiency
The United States is not the greatest country in the world. However, for a very long time, people have believed that the United States tops the list. This is because of the classic lifestyle and technological advancements portrayed in our daily media. The United States is portrayed as a country of peace and optimum harmony. Consequently, we get the impression that United States is the best place to be. The younger generation seems to enjoy life to the fullest with almost no regrets. After all, most of us can drive a car at the age of 16; compare that to other countries at 18. We have access to pretty much whatever we need. Most adults are not constantly monitoring and hovering over their children. They have jobs and financial prosperity is
The economy is arguably one of the most important aspects of a nation. When a country’s economy is thriving, almost everyone will be positively affected. Business will grow, income will increase, and quality of life will be better. One of the major factors in the economies success is the type of economy it is. Because of different experts and scholars, such as Adam Smith and Thomas Malthus, the United States has a successful and fair economic system. Because of this, we thrive as a nation. We can prove this by looking at our high GDP and quality of living. One of the reasons our economy is so effective is because of our economic beliefs. The United States gives the power to the individual and supports business. Free business controls the market,
The great nation of the United States has relied and grown on the basis of a widely used term: “The American Dream”. Those three words for many spark feelings of opportunity, hope, and aspirations, however more so now than ever people are considering the term as three empty and even deceiving words. The root of the issue lies in the economic state of the working class and the steps that the government is taking to ensure the virtues of social class mobility in our society. In 2013 Secretary of Labor Tom Perez proposed to raise the federal hourly minimum wage from the current $7.25 to $10.10. Since then, there has been heavy political debate and controversy over the proposal and Congress has yet to act on it. The evidence through social observations and analysis is clear that raising the federal minimum wage to $10.10 would protect the sacred American dream by increasing opportunity for hard working Americans, stimulating revenue for businesses, and defending the interests of our nation’s consumers and taxpayers.
The journey of how the United States of America became the United States of America is a very complex one. With America declaring separation from the Great English Empire, to the organization of becoming a free, sovereign nation and lastly, the migration and colonization of the now, western United States, including the great state of Nevada, has many components. The Declaration of Independence initiated the process of becoming a country of its own. This Document pushed the separation from England and showed the world that America was now its own nation. The United States Constitution laid out the blue print of how the United States would work. This was after a failed attempt of the Articles of Confederation. After the Constitution was created, the process of migrating west began in order to colonize the western region of the United States. Nevada had a big role in this because we helped President Abraham Lincoln gain a second term. The first chapters of the story of the Untied States of America were a dangerous, difficult and long one, but because of this, the people that live in this country today have the freedom of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
It provides millions of opportunities to become educated. In many other countries, education is prohibited, especially to women. It is important to take advantage of these prospects that our country has given us and make the most of our educational experience, and eventually make the most of our careers. The United States provides us with scholarships, financial aid, and community colleges to get around the high cost of education. These benefits are given to us so that more and more educated Americans can contribute to our society.
History has a very odd way of repeating itself, but is that always a bad thing? Hasn’t the United States of America had positive impacts upon itself such as the ending of slavery? Or the recession of the Great Depression? Or maybe even recently, the steadily rising stock market? But you must remember how low the country was before we were able to escape from those wretched times, including the Civil War, World War II and crash of the stock market in 1929 and 2008. This country of what seemed to be division at the time was able to be resilient and fight back for what the United States of America needed to strive for greatness. But how?
What a proud country the United States is. Above all else, above our strained political convolutions, above our petty squabbles, we hold our ideals dear, and in the highest regard there can be. Being of these very sentiments,2 I write, with rare urgency to this congregation today, to inform you of a passive injustice plaguing the ideals we hold so dear, a malefic actor whose shadow overcasts our very underpinning. A basilisk is lurking throughout the conduits that serve our school of thought; it brings quietus to all who dare meet those ebony irises, and those wicked pupils. All but a few chevaliers, that is; this legislature must act, for only you have the potential to rectify this infamy, for only you have the power to peel the basilisk to its soul and slay its vile.3
Imagine being someone who struggled throughout high school, but is constantly being told they need to go to college. If a student is constantly having problems with their learning, thinking, money, and support, why should they be obligated to continue their education when they are struggling today? The problem today is that people feel like they have no other choice but go to college to be successful. Many people today do not go to college, but get a job and slowly start to become successful. A person can work and gain experience and knowledge, which allows a person to move up. Since there are many jobs today that do not require a college degree, going to college should not be obligated by students after high school. College is not for everyone, and no one should be forced to go.