
The Use Of Stigmas On Mental Illnesses

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Abstract There are various stigmas associated with mental illnesses, many of which, are both incorrect, and uninformed. There will be several articles discussed in this paper. All of the articles mentioned here with deal with such mental illness stigmas, such as stigmas that affect the current generation, how the mentally ill are discriminated against in everyday life, and how one’s culture affects how he or she views mental illnesses. Discussed here will also be said article’s findings, such as the results of its experiment, and what measurements were used. These articles agree that stigmas are every where, regardless of culture, age, or social standing, but that the intensity and importance of those stigmas do vary. Culture and …show more content…

The purpose of this article, and experiment, was to find a correlation between strong views on mental illness, and culture. The survey was conducted from the year 2002, until the year 2003. This first article had two experiments conducted, the first experiment was a pre-determined telephone vignette survey, and the other was a recruitment of university students. The telephone survey’s participants consisted of 589 European Americans, and 56 Chinese-Americans, all who were under the age of 18 (Yang 2013). The first experiment was developed to simply observe and collect a generalized and agreed upon stigma on mental illness. Each participant was telephoned, and was presented with two examples of people with mental illnesses: a person that had schizophrenia, and a person that had depression. Because the participants of this experiment all belonged to either the Chinese-American, or European-American culture, each participant was given the option to have the information presented to them in either English, or Chinese, in order to assure the highest possible degree of understanding. Each survey took roughly 20-25 minutes, each (Yang 2013). The measures of this first experiment were two vignettes. The second study was conducted in a laboratory setting, and was conducted from June to August in the year 2010. The participants chosen were students from several universities in New York City, who were

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