Introduction There are many instances where people need to collect data from remote places or in the ‘field’ where items like electricity are limited or nonexistent or the weather does not allow the use of the traditional pen and paper in collecting and recording data. Such instances require innovative ways to collect (and possibly transmit) data in real time and as fast as possible in a format that decision makers can quickly use. Thus is especially useful in instances where there are emergencies such as natural disasters, famines, disease outbreaks, or even wars and conflicts. One technology that comes to the rescue is the mobile phone/ device, in which data can be collected, stored, and shared, or in some cases even analyzed. MDC …show more content…
Comparisons and discussions In selecting the MDC to use for a particular purpose, it is essential that one establish the suitability of the chosen MDC platform for their particular purpose. Most field applications are evaluations in which surveys are undertaken, so the MDC used must be suitable for surveys. Surveys may entail taking people’s direct views or statements, their photographs or small video clips, geographical locations, as well as bio- data. For instance, a livelihoods survey for onward transmission to donors and development partners will require pictures of the target persons their economic, and bio- data as well as possibly stories told by them. The MDC to use must not only be able to collect quantitative information, but must have multimedia applications/ components in which voice, image or video can also be captured (Parikh et al., 2006). Generally, most MDC’s are designed to work in situations in which mostly quantitative data is being collected, but situations where long and often open-ended responses are required; MDC platforms are likely to have limited use. However, it is still possible to take voice clips in MP3 format as well as images and videos in MP4 formats, as well as take the geographic coordinates of the survey location in addition to the quantitative data. MDC platforms are usually not suited for use in instances where long
A person is created by the experiences they go through and by the things they learn throughout their life. It is the question of who each individual is and what makes up their identity. Writers, no matter the type, have been addressing the issue of identity for thousands of years. One playwright who stands out in this regard is Shakespeare and his play Hamlet. The play continually questions who the individuals are and what makes up the person they are. Yet another play can be associated with Shakespeare’s masterpiece, as Tom Stoppard takes the minor characters in Hamlet and develop them into something more in his play Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead. The twentieth century reinvention of the supporting characters from Hamlet,
Eddie the matenience man of Ruby Pier carnival seems like just typical old man, who struggles with the idea that he never lived up to his potential. However, after he dies, he is able to see his life through a different perspective, one of eternity, and realizes how unique and important his life has been. This closely echoes the truth found in the Catechism of the Catholic Church which says that only in heaven with Christ will we find our true identity and meaning of life. 1 Death is only the beginning for Eddie and his journey through the five “heavens” of people that his life has impacted demonstrates how intricately woven together every humanity is. As pilgrims, our view of suffering and day to day actions constricts our ability to see how God truly weaves human messiness together to create a beautiful tale of redemption. So, we must live for the destination, not for the journey, leaning on hope instead of complete understanding.
Cell Phones have changed the way the world operates and people are constantly improving on this revolutionary tool due to it’s large demand and ease of use; While at the same time doing so can cause new hazards for individuals.
The advancement of technology over the years has turned devices that used to take up entire desks into gadgets no bigger than a book. While this advancement has its obvious perks. There are also negative side effects of this that tend to go ignored or rarely discussed. These negative side effects have the possibility of unraveling the way we raise our children and the way we as humans interact. Thus, as technology is advancing, humans are being more isolated emotionally and socially. In this essay we will be specifically looking at how technology effects are social interactions and the way we parent children.
In today’s times, the smartphone is important to communicate. Having a smartphone could mean a matter of survival – particularly when traveling abroad, searching for directions, updating reports for work, connecting with friends, family and etc. The product I pick is the iPhone. When the iPhone was launched it rocks the world of every person. The appearances of the iPhone to Americans become a trend in smartphone history. The first smartphone to become a choice set of being sleek and user friendly. The iPhone affects Americans psychologically of having the idea how convenient to surf the internet using a portable device. Therefore, the iPhone became a personal handheld computer device to have easy access to browse the internet. Moreover, consumers
In today’s world, electronic devices are becoming increasingly conventional and accessible. With the advancement of technology, the people advance along with it by cultivating and using technology. It is not surprising that laptops, phones, tablets, and televisions are common in this era. Consequently, people may engross themselves in these appliances, distracting themselves from other tasks such as school or work. Technology takes residence in schools, offices, and homes, making it hard to escape the grasps of it. It is convenient, therefore, it will have use. Thus, it can lead to problems such as losing quality time on studying, losing focus, and texting while driving. Technology is essential in today’s
The technological transition between the twentieth and the twenty-first century is what a notable author, Malcolm Gladwell, would call a tipping point. Somewhere along the way technological advances simply went from arriving at a steady pace to arriving at a pace of a steep incline. Eventually walking into a public area where nearly everyone will be looking down at some sort of digital screen, disregarding their age simply became the norm. However, simultaneously, multitudes began viewing technology as the sole reason behind the suppression of old family traditions depleting grades, and childhood obesity. Nonetheless, looking upon this issue, the world is not ideal, and certainly not society for that matter, therefore, one must consider all
The government has sanctioned the practice of the death penalty to those who are believed to be deserving of such serious retribution. Capital punishment manages to maintain a large amount of public support; however, it has recently received the label of a dying practice. The decline of executions can be traced back to the high price, complicated procedures, and ongoing trials placed on these cases because of the major risk factors. While many Americans still believe the death penalty ensures justice for serious crimes along with enhancing future public safety, those against this form of punishment claim the process of executing a person has too many
The relatively recent escalation of smartphones across the world has brought about many circumstances that no one had imagined prior to the 21st century. One potentially major impact of the smartphone is its effect on students, teachers, and educational facilities. In this paper, I will explore the impact of the rhetorical devices used by the authors of two scholarly articles from different academic fields. “Using Smartphones to Supplement Classroom Reading” by Karen Bromley is written in the applied field of education; and, “You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him learn: Smartphone use in higher education” by Chad C. Tossell and his team of authors originates from the academic field of the social sciences. Although Bromley and Tossell are both writing on the impact of smartphones in education, their differing uses of rhetorical devices allows Tossell to effectively reach a scholarly audience, while Bromley’s article is appealing to the general public.
This paper explores four published articles that report on results from research conducted the texting has been become the part of life and the influence of abbreviations leads a serious argument. The articles, however, vary in the situations and reacts diversity conclusions. “I Think, Therefore IM”, written by Jennifer 8. Lee observed from several high schools and colleges’ students have been using instant messaging from daily life to schoolwork and report. Some teachers take the abbreviations as an offence on formal
The use of mobile devices in the current generation from 2014-2016 in Secondary Students have become associated with a health risk, an addiction which affects them physically, and psychologically. Contrary to the beliefs that mobile devices encourage interaction between students and integrate education, many are becoming either addicted or mentally incapable to engage outside of their technology (Vorderer et al., 2016). Research shows that the time spent by students on their devices relates to changes in the activity of the brain negatively (Swingle, 2016). Despite the fact the health risk has been associated with cellular devices, students choose to ignore them as society makes devices essential for everyday life. If so, how do the health risks impact students through the long term? Is it, the health risk from mobile devices is so insignificant that students are oblivious to them? In this paper, I will argue the risk of addiction associated with the use of mobile devices and how this is limiting/modifying students’ lives in subsequent time. Though I agree that cellular devices are a very important organizational tool, I still support that students can efficiently limit their device use; to sustain a healthy lifestyle. This issue is important because it warrants secondary students on the negative impacts they face, like addiction; through cellular devices
Society has a negative influence since the commencement of mobile technology and electronic communicating. Electronic communicating and mobile devices has boomed with laptops, cell phones, and tablets. The mobile technology is easy to access, while also having an addicting influence towards people. Mobile technology has augmented electronic communication which then caused the world to become rude, have addictions, misinterpretations, cause conflicts, and develop poor social skills.
Allowing personal devices in the workplace can become an issue for some companies. In today’s world, technology has become problematic. Let’s face it, we live in a world that will leave their money at home before leaving their phones at home. New research conducted by British psychologists shows that young adults use their smartphones roughly twice as much as they estimate that they do. In fact, the small preliminary study found that these young adults used their phones an average of five hours a day — that’s roughly one-third of their total waking hours. (Gregoire, n.d.) As I discussed before the negative impact/dependence of phones has gotten out of control. In my own opinion, allowing devices at work to any associate other than a manager in the retail industry, fast food companies, railroad, and restaurant companies, isn’t worth the trouble. Can you imagine going into your favorite retail store and the associate is distracted with their phones other than assisting you. The associate will give the company bad morale, decrease productivity, and lack customer service skills. I work in a retail industry and I am part of the management team, from my experience some associates can retain from their phones and others simply cannot. I have an associate by the name of Orianna. Ori is categorized under the new generation. She must stay connected to social media and urges to text her friend’s other than being focus at work. She takes unnecessary bathroom breaks to use her phone
I use my phone every day. Depending on how I’m feeling I would say I spend about 8-9 hours total a day. If I’m not feeling too great it’ll be less than that. Many people may think that’s too much, and others may suggest that’s not a lot. Cell phones aren’t used for social media and games only. They are used as alarms, reminders, help you communicate, virtually everything. Which begs the question, how does my personal use of electronics for social and recreational purposes affect my social and recreational life? It doesn’t really. I’m able to go about my social and recreational life while also having a cell phone. It’s crazy I know. It may have to do with the fact that I’ve gone years without a cell phone and have learned how to manage both. I am satisfied with how I use electronics for social and recreational purposes.
It is known that the use of cell phones, specifically handheld use such as texting, while driving decreases driver awareness and the overall safety of roads. In response to this knowledge, some states have passed laws that have outlawed the usage of handheld devices, and while there should be laws that definitively outlaw handheld usage, is there enough empirical evidence to outlaw hands free usage of cell phones? In other words, does handsfree usage of cell phones, via bluetooth, speakerphone, etc., distract drivers enough to the point where states should legally ban the total use cell phones while driving. The following essay will introduce arguments for both sides of this topic, one for hands free cell phone usage and the other against cell phones usage entirely.