Over the past few centuries, the United States government has slowly usurped the roles of the church and family system, causing Americans to put their trust and hope in the government. The government has taken the responsibilities from the church and children from the family. As the future progresses, government, church and family progress along with the changing society; government has removed God from many things and replaced Him with science and modern beliefs. Government has taken the trust from the people out of the church. People now trust the government to provide for them instead of the church. When people needed jobs, the government gave us welfare. When people needed food, the government gave us food stamps. When people needed medical attention, the government gave us Medicaid. When people needed housing, the government created homeless housing. The government created hope for the …show more content…
Taxes are part of the government’s duties. Now when taxes are paid, the government takes them and does whatever they see fit to do with them. Our taxes pay for different government services which then, in turn, take the other responsibilities of the church. The Bible says though that the church is to take the taxes and distribute them to whoever and whatever they see fit. The government takes 30% of our income while Scripture says to only take 10%. According the Constitution, we do have the right to freedom of speech and freedom of religion, but our beliefs cost us now. We are no longer “free” to say what we believe. Christians are persecuted everywhere for their religion. The church teaches us about miracles and the wonders of God. The government teaches us that science is the end-all. Once science has said something, that is the truth and that is what should be believed. Over time, government has become the “positive” influence for many and the church has lost many of its previous responsibilities and
Since this country was founded, we have had a set of unalienable rights that our constitution guarantees us to as Americans. One of the most important rights that is mentioned in our constitution is the right to free speech. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the
All United States citizens have rights. We have the five functions of the government: to form a more perfect union, to establish justice, to insure domestic tranquility, to provide for the common defense, to promote the general welfare. As independent individuals in America, we are supposed to abide by these laws. We endure these laws. However, we are also taught to stand up for what we believe in. The 1st amendment confirms that there will be no tolerance for discrimination towards others’ religious beliefs. It states:
In the first amendment you are supposed to have the freedom of religion. In New York, I feel like I do not fully have my freedom of religion. People of certain beliefs would be told they can not talk about their religious views in public. In school, if religious views come up you will get ridiculed for sharing your beliefs. I’ve seen
It provided funds and made the area more accessible. Funds also were made available for new schools and health facilities, land and mine reclamation, and timber and water conservation. The poverty in America will not be solved all at once (650a). Simply creating jobs will not help eliminate poverty because there are some people who are disabled and just can not work (650a). The government social welfare programs help to add income to many people (650a).
However, over the past years, there has been a lot of criticism, misunderstanding, and violation of the first amendment. This amendment is also part of the ten amendments in the bill or rights. It gives freedom of religion and prevent government from establish an official religion for all citizens of America. It allows everyone in America to attend any church, mosque, temple or any place of worship they seem fit. In addition, American citizens does not have to be involved in any religion.
The First Amendment is known for allowing the people of the United States to have freedom of religion. For Christians, it is a little more difficult. Whatever Christians do, we get penalized for. Someone always has to cause a commotion. For example, a local school, Russellville High School, had a very emotional time. One of their students had a four-wheeler accident and was in serious condition for a while. This student was a football player, a student, and a friend to many of the people on campus. This led some of the football players to ask to be
During the Great Depression of the 1929, people were out of work and could not take care of their families. There were “Hoovervilles” all across the country. They were named after President Hoover. President Hoover did not believe that the government should take care of the people. He felt that if the government stepped in it would take away the people had for themselves. In 1932, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Governor of New York, was elected President of the United States. He immediately started his first “New Deal”. The government stepped in and helped the people. That is when the Welfare System was born. It started as a way to get the country out of the depression. The depression lasted ten years and the country was changed forever.
Millions were out of work. The government began public works projects to help bring growth back to the economy
Also, in many other countries, the freedom of speech is illegal, in China you would be arrested for speaking your mind, but here we are safe. We can also pick our religion to practice without hiding in the dark because we do not want anyone to find out about it. The first amendment also grants the people of America the right to gather and peacefully protest if we do not like something that the government leaders have chosen to do. Moreover, the first amendment guarantees us that I have the right to freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom to protest. The next amendment that locks freedom in for the American people is the fourth amendment. The fourth amendment from the bill of rights states that “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon
One of the protections offered in the Bill of rights is the free exercise of religion. The first amendment contained in the Bill of rights stated that “congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof” (Ginsberg, et al. 2015, P. 122). The freedom of religion is a great example of one of the protections contained in the bill of rights. The first amendment and the freedom of religion contain an establishment clause. This limit of governmental power puts a separation between the church and state. The Government, for instance, is not allowed to establish an official church and may not take sides among
The First Amendments is a blessing that the United States is fortunate enough to have. First and foremost, First Amendment protects the right to freedom of religion and expression, without any government interference ("First Amendment" n.p.). The freedom of expression includes the right to free speech, press, assembly, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances ("First Amendment" n.p.). Redress of grievances guarantees people the right to ask the government to provide relief for a wrong through courts or other governmental action ("First Amendment" n.p.). People are allowed to practice their own religions and do not have to conform to one religion, all because of the First Amendment. People's rights are protected with no government interference.
Every single person in the United States have the right to express their religion of preference or no religion at all, however him or her wants without offending anybody, and the best way to protect religion’s liberty was by keeping the government out if it and creating this First Amendment freedom of religion, to separate the church from the state.
The free exercise of religion, the freedom of speech, and the freedom of assembly are each absolutely essential for the health of our Republic. That is why the Founding Fathers enshrined them all in the First Amendment. While some people up hold the first amendment and respect its meaning. Unfortunately, these freedoms are currently under assault by the government, state officials and communities.
Freedom of religion means that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…” (Jacobus 93). “Free exercise” does not always mean “free exercise”. The Supreme Court has been forced to put certain limitations on the practice of religion. (Wilson, Dilulio, & Bose, 95). For instance people are not allowed to
Freedom of Religion is the freedom to pursue any religion you choose without fear of government persecution, sanction or reprisal. Freedom of Religion is protected under the first amendment, which gives American citizens the right to freedom of “speech, religion, press and to assemble and petition”. When the founders wrote it in the Bill of Rights, they put it first for a reason. The original pilgrims fled England after facing religious persecution from the Church of England. Over the years, America still struggles to define what that means. Though we are still arguing, the definitions are surprisingly easy for something that has been argued over so much.