
The Usurped The Role Of The Church And Family System

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Over the past few centuries, the United States government has slowly usurped the roles of the church and family system, causing Americans to put their trust and hope in the government. The government has taken the responsibilities from the church and children from the family. As the future progresses, government, church and family progress along with the changing society; government has removed God from many things and replaced Him with science and modern beliefs. Government has taken the trust from the people out of the church. People now trust the government to provide for them instead of the church. When people needed jobs, the government gave us welfare. When people needed food, the government gave us food stamps. When people needed medical attention, the government gave us Medicaid. When people needed housing, the government created homeless housing. The government created hope for the …show more content…

Taxes are part of the government’s duties. Now when taxes are paid, the government takes them and does whatever they see fit to do with them. Our taxes pay for different government services which then, in turn, take the other responsibilities of the church. The Bible says though that the church is to take the taxes and distribute them to whoever and whatever they see fit. The government takes 30% of our income while Scripture says to only take 10%. According the Constitution, we do have the right to freedom of speech and freedom of religion, but our beliefs cost us now. We are no longer “free” to say what we believe. Christians are persecuted everywhere for their religion. The church teaches us about miracles and the wonders of God. The government teaches us that science is the end-all. Once science has said something, that is the truth and that is what should be believed. Over time, government has become the “positive” influence for many and the church has lost many of its previous responsibilities and

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