The number of banned books for the past few years has gradually increase. Most of the books i found on the recent list shocked me but also made me feel greatful. I went to a Catholic school where teachers had the right to teach whatever they want. Scrolling down the list of banned books I realized that I've read majorty of those books for school. I personally think it is wrong to banned books because it's depriving students from learning. A lot of the books on the list had realistic problems which readers, students could learn from. It taught life lessons and gave many of the readers chance to see this from different perspecrtives. I think the reason why these books is banned is becasue there is people of higher power who wants to keep these
It is understood why somebody may think that books should not be banned at schools because by doing this parents are hurting their children by restrain their knowledge. When a quality book is banned, the children lose the opportunity to learn from that book. It is better supported that, some books should be banned from schools because they can introduce students to unacceptable topics and teach them bad or useless
Although it is ridiculous to ban books, it is somewhat understandable. Some books are extremely heavy on the controversial side, and include a boat load of inappropriate content. “My corduroys. My boxers. Two layers. I could feel the warmth of her cheek on my thigh. There are times when it is appropriate, even preferable, to get an erection when someone’s face is in close proximity to your penis” (Green). It is easy to see why someone with a closed mind would take offense to this kind of content being in a book for young
It's not right to censor the thought of some and boost the efforts of others. All members of society should have equal access to all books and . Several school districts, libraries and cities have banned books for different reasons including violence, sexual content, drug abuse, rape and content that is unsuitable for their age group. Several experts including Ana Agenjo have argued against banning any books. In her letter to the kern high
Many books have been questioned and challenged. Even as far as to banning them. But what exactly is a banned book and why are they banned? A banned book is a book that has been censored by an authority, a government body, a library, or a even school system. A book that has been banned is actually removed from a library or school system. The actual contextual reasons as to banning them is use of explicit violence, gore, sexuality, explicit language, religion, or dark times in history. On the non-contextual side of the reason why they are banned books are usually because with the best intentions to protect people, frequently children, from difficult philosophies and information. Teachers, or even more common adults, often censor books from
Banning books that some people consider inappropriate could prevent the knowledge of past history, as well as intelligence and different aspects of opinions. For all these reasons, I believe that books should not be banned! Banning books is similar banning the freedom of expression. Not only can banning books prevent this, but it also prevents people from being able to learn from real issues that authors want to share with their readers.
Since 1982, there have been 11,300 books challenged in the United States. As the number of challenged books continues to rise, society’s exposure to diversity in literature decreases. According to the American Library Association, 51% of the top ten challenged books between 2005 and 2014 featured “diverse content.” Diverse content is defined as works featuring either non-white, LGBT+, or disabled primary characters, or discussions of issues in relation to race, religion, LGBT+ matters, mental illness and/or disabilities, among many other defining characteristics. Censoring such books has the potential to fundamentally stunt the personal growth of society, though many may feel certain information and topics must be censored for the safety of
Judy Blume brought up a very interesting matter that made a good impression on me. Books are meant to inspire and spark interest in new topics for people. We should not ban books because there are controversial or impropriate but come to a conclusion on how we should make it be suitable for the ones who want to read it. Yes, school district and public libraries will always have a reason for why we should ban certain books, but not every book is that unsuitable no matter how many impropriate issues are in there.
At the present time, at least seventy-five books are being banned. This is hurting our culture more than it is helping. This has to be stopped; books cannot be taken off of the shelves at the rate that they are today. The books that are being taken off of the shelves are, for the most part, considered classics. The act of book banning puts limitations on what authors can say, and what readers can read (Dorshemer p.1). The banning of books in America is a violation of our first amendment rights. Amendment 1 of the United States Constitution states as follows:
Many people think that some books that are considered as "inappropriate" should be banned in public places, like schools. A lot of high schools have already banned certain books, such as" Of Mice and Men" because of many different reasons, but these books should not be banned in public places like schools. Books like Of Mice and Men should not be banned because students need to learn the background and history behind the books, students need to be prepared for books they will read in high school and college, and lastly because the more mature content will get them ready for their teen and early adult years.
For the reasons of violence, religious viewpoints, offensive language, and sexuality some of the world’s best written novels and short stories are being banned from schools everywhere. As I look at the world around me, I see the things that books, such as The Great Gatsby, To Kill a Mockingbird, and even The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, are banned for. I hear racial slurs, vulgar language, see violent video games, and even people being very sexual in public, and yet people are still banning books that are like the real world because they do not want the children of this nations to read about the things they see in their day-to-day lives. I find that preposterous. Oscar Wilde once said “The books that the world calls immoral are books
Books are a gateway to a world of imagination, but some schools are trying to shut those gates off by banning them. Books are some of the best teachers left, it's not up to a school to decide what a child should or should not read. Banning books can deprive a child of the opportunity to think. Books should not be banned because of the lessons they can teach, the fact that a school should not even be able to ban them, and it can deprive a child of the opportunity to think.
Book banning is said to be happening for many reasons. School boards say that there is foul language in some books. They also say that there is political bias in books. This might be good for some people because they need exposure to both sides of politics. If kids read these books in school, by the time they are allowed to be involved in politics, they are adults and they will have more of an experience
Censorship occurs when information is forbidden; for example, in books, movies, newspapers, and the Internet. Books are banned when they contain objectionable language, sexual content, political content, and in the case of government censorship, knowledge. Some people argue that censorship is necessary to protect children from explicit language or sex scenes, and to preserve morals or religious values. Those against censorship argue that historical facts shouldn’t be censored, so that people can learn from history. Opponents also claim that censorship invalidates their intellectual freedom; which the United Nations proclaimed as a fundamental human right in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Finally, censorship decreases the quality
This passed year, there has been a variety of books that have been challenged on being banned. From the list of the top 10 books that're challenged i have noticed a similarity between most of them. The typical reason to cause a book to be challenged has a relationship with any body arrangements that may occur. For example, it includes situations that cause change in ourselves whether it's good or bad. A huge contibutor can be violence and drug use, or situations that include LGBT. When books that include these things are released parents become protective and don't want their kids reading books like that. They find them offensive and inapropriate for their kids, as they confuse them on certain topics like LGBT. Their family may have a different
As time moves on and many more books are published, books of the past are starting to be removed from history. There are two choices in this situation: keep the books, no matter the opinions of others, or banned the books. This is not beneficial to many children and their learning. Even though stories that are racial and contradictory to the modern day teachings should be band, it is wrong for the for these tales to be banned for they provide their young readers with knowledge of what life could be like or was like in the past, and it also proves there is no real “ Freedom of Speech”. Meanwhile we live in a country that prides itself on “Freedom”, but why if we are allowed to speak our minds, and write what we believe in, are they banned!?