Vampire Diaries is a series following the lives of two brothers known as Stefan and Damon Salvatore, eternal adolescents, trying to lead “normal” lives while they hide their bloodthirsty condition. Stefan is the seemingly good guy trying to contain his thirst for human blood while Damon, on the other hand, is the complete opposite of everything Stefan is. After centuries of being away, these two brothers return to their hometown Mystic Falls, Virginia meeting 17-year-old Elena Gilbert who has just lost her parents in a car crash. The two brothers feud over Elena but who will get the girl?
Vampire Diaries was created in 2009 and was filmed in Covington, Georgia which was renamed Mystic Falls, Virgina for the show. Georgia's 30% film and TV tax credit are what brought Vampire Diaries to Georgia. This series is just intended to entertain people and in the process bring in loads of cash which can be seen easily from when the show was produced and where it was produced as well. The audience this series is directed to is teenagers and young adults, but anybody can enjoy this show. a show like The Vampire Diaries can be a retreat or happy haven for the
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The vampire Diaries offers some vampires who avoid feeding on humans and can fall in love with mortals. It's the ultimate transformation of characters once reviled as demons into figures we can admire, cherish and even try to emulate. One of the sociophobics of society for young people is choosing the right person to love. This fear can be seen through Elena throughout the first couple seasons where she struggles to choose the right brother. Society tells her to choose Stefan but her heart tells her to choose Damon. This represents how love is for many people in today's society. Overall I feel like the Vampire Diaries is a great work of entertainment but at the same time finds ways to include life lessons as well which is very
The Reality TV Show I chose for this assignment is The Bachelor. This TV show is very dramatic and definitely leaves you on the edge of your seat. The Bachelor is about one man who is looking to find love, and approximately 20 women competing for his love. In the season I chose to watch, Sean Lowe is the bachelor. Each week he sends another women home until he is left with his future wife. The three episodes I chose to watch were the last three of the season. Which included the home town dates, the final two, and then the finale, where Sean picked the women he wants to spend the rest of his life with. This show is definitely odd; however, it is extremely entertaining. The audience for this show is typically female teenagers and
Humans for centuries have been drawn to vampires. From sitting around the fire in the time before the industrial revolution, to sitting around the table and in modern times watching it on the big screen. The folk tales of the undead that hunt at night, sucking the blood of the innocent has haunted and intrigued the human psyche for as long folklore has been in existence. Being afraid of what is being told to them, yet being unable to pull away. The pull and push affect that these mystical monsters have on the human aura is undeniable. Modern day vampires have a cult like following. When the Twilight series came out, the people where divided between team Jacob and team Edward. Teenage girls would swoon over these monsters, dangerous yet alluring.
Vampires have been around for centuries, they represent the fear of many things such as sexuality, race, gender, etc. and above all, they stand for the fear of diseases. Vampires have once been the symbol of horror due to their terrific depictions and were described as a threat to the humanity. Throughout time, the image of vampire has changed dramatically from a monstrous, inhumanely creature that doesn’t belong to human society to such an attractive and adaptive figure that expresses more of the human side than the evil. They developed human feelings, senses, and live within our society. Modern vampire movies are often more romantic and “sympathetic” comparing to the past. Vampires have abandoned their horror and evolved to a more
I much prefer Elena to Bella, at least in part because I feel like I know her better and that she is a more positive role model, but both make decisions and take steps to achieve their goals. I may not agree with those goals or those actions, but neither Elena nor Bella is a completely-blank, inactive character.
I am wondering. I am wondering if they will ever kill the girl vampire because days before Jamie was taken to the Department, Larissa attacked him, but she did not kill him she only injured him. Next is that when the girl vampire was caught and transported to the Department she fought the guards and tried to get away and also jumped on top of Jamie and choked him and bit him on his neck until Larissa was pulled off of him by Mr. Frankenstein. Another reason is that they only need Larissa to help find Jamie’s mother and tell them where the other vampire is. “Are you going to let me out?”
Blood is the symbol of human passion, the source of all passion. I think that is the main subtext in our story. We've tried to depict feelings so strong they can survive across the centuries, like Dracula's love for Mina/ Elizabeth. The idea that love can actually give back to the vampire his lost soul" (Holte 82).
From her help, Elena and Luis had a better self-control. At the end, they became a happy family.
In order for a supernatural show to be the best it needs to have some form of forbidden love. One example of this is in The Vampire Diaries between two characters, Elena Gilbert and Stefan Salvatore. Stefan is a vampire through the show and soon falls in love with Elena who is a human. A human and vampire being in love is forbidden or frowned upon in supernatural shows and movies. Another example is in the
The Vampire Diaries is a supernatural drama television series based on the book series of the same name. The series takes place in Mystic Falls, Virginia a fictional small town haunted by supernatural beings. The series narrative follows the protagonist Elena Gilbert as she falls in love with vampire Stefan Salvatore and is drawn into the supernatural world as a result. As the series progresses, Elena finds herself drawn to Stefan’s brother Damon creating a love triangle. The vampires in the show are undead humans who feed on blood and who do not age, due to their immortality. The vampires in the show where a ring which is a day walking Amulet enchanted by witches to allow vampires to walk freely in the sunlight. Vervain is the vampire’s worst weakness in the show. It is a potent herb, if touched by a vampire it can cause burns to the skin. If a human has ingested vervain and a vampire feeds on them, the vampire is affected within seconds and extremely weakened. If a human ingests or holds vervain somewhere on the body such as holding it in a hand or pocket, or wearing it in jewelry, the human is protected by vampire compulsion and entitled to free will. They have the ability to fly, appear out of nowhere and compel people with the use of their eyes to get what they want. When vampires smell blood, they loose control if they don’t know how to control themselves. They need to be invited in to someone’s
Writer and director Guillermo del Toro, whose work included films such as Pan’s Labyrinth and the Hellboy series, alongside Chuck Hogan, author of novels such as, Devils in Exile and Prince of Thieves, wrote an article in the New York Times named Why vampires never die, explaining exactly that. They stated how the vampires became big when author John William Polidori wrote The Vampyre, which included both erotic feelings and the fact that they’re an undead bunch. Also included in the article is how it ties in with cannibalism and how that’s the way the culture was. Vampires have this type of aura that tie you in and make you want more. You have young adult novels that make them interested in adding a prohibited love.
The way that love is portrayed through these shows is that people should be with someone who makes them happy.
Vampires are the ultimate bad boys, powerful, persuasive, loners and tortured souls. They search forever to find “her”, the fantasy of hot endless love. Which is why these females in vampire literature are willing to risk their lives for a vampire, they want something more. The darkness and mystery pulls these women closer and closer to what can be the greatest love of all time. For example Bella Swan from “Twilight” was a regular mortal who wanted nothing more to be with Edward Cullen the vampire. Elena from “Vampire Diaries” found love with a human who turned out to be a vampire. Even in “Vampire in the Lemon Grove Fila” didn’t not run away knowing Clyde was a thirsty vampire. All these women knew the risk of surrounding themselves around these vampires. But not one of them was willing to walk away.
This show represents a type of “love” that is called pseudo love, which is defined according to Mickel and Hall (2008). Pseudo love is loving without depth. It is surface love. Mickel and Hall state the idea, “I love you only so long as you make me feel good. The moment you make me feel bad or unhappy, I question my love for you” (2008, pg. 31). Pseudo love is being found more in society because people are refusing to have depth with one another. This relates perfectly to The Bachelor, any possible love that is found on this show is only pseudo love. This is because if there are any problems that arise between the bachelor and one of the women, the bachelor simply eliminates the woman from the show and continues onto the next girl. The Bachelor is promoting pseudo love within society. Pseudo love presents the false expectancy that love is the answer to all problems. The
The T.V show The Vampire Diaries is a CW teen drama series that involves danger, romance, action and suspense. The show is not just about vampires and werewolves, but it also has other supernatural elements such as hybrids, witches and vampire hunters. Let’s just say that even though it’s compared to the Twilight movies, The Vampire Diaries is an old fashion love story where you can expect the unexpected. Where the audience can also connect with the character’s situations. Even though it’s a fictional show, it involves real life situations that an ordinary person can go through. The producer Julie Plec did a beautiful job with the plot, the relationship of the characters, how the show itself connected with the audience, and the setting.
First, to compare and contrast Twilight and The Vampire Diaries, the main characters need to be analyzed. Bella Swan and Edward Cullen are the main characters in the Twilight movies, while Elena Gilbert and Stefan and Damon Salvatore are the main characters in The Vampire Diaries. Both Elena and Bella are humans at the beginning of each series and fall in love with a vampire. However, the similarities between the two female characters end there. Elena is an older sibling and very protective of her younger brother, Jeremy. Elena is also very popular and has many friends. Elena makes it very clear in the series that she does not want to be a vampire. Bella, on the other hand, wants to become a