
The Vase Short Story

Decent Essays

The Vase
By:Andrew J. mclaren

The rain poured down on Will’s windshield as he sped along the highway. The rain had started lightly in the morning, but now it was a full blown storm. If it continued any longer, he would soon be obliged to pull over. After three more hours of driving he had no choice but to stop at a town called Tilt Cove. The only place to stay was a dimly lit hotel. The lobby had ten lights, but four were burnt out, making it quite creepy. When he checked in their only room left was room 13. The woman at the front desk told him the room was new and only three people had stayed in it before him so he was lucky. When he opened the door, he gazed into the room. The room was minuscule and simple, there was a bed, a washroom, and a bedstead with a blood red vase on it with three roses in it.

Will was so drained from driving all day that he fell asleep as soon as his head hit the …show more content…

He was sure he had closed it on the way out, but he must’ve imagined it. Next he saw that the vase was on the right side of the bed again and there were four roses in it this time, but he was too out of it to care from all his sleep deprivation. At 3:34PM he woke up to hearing a slithering sound, but he was only partially awake. Soon after a tentacle like object wrapped around his neck encompassing it in an instant. At that exact time he realized it wasn't a tentacle either, it was the stems of a rose. He screamed as the spikes dug into his neck and as the stems tightened, his vision blurred. He felt wispy and everything brightened, then it all went dark. The next day the police found his body like all the others covered in rose petals with punctures and lines in his neck and the vase had five roses in it. “If I find one more body like this I’m going to switch departments” the chief muttered under his breath as they bagged the

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