
The Victims Of The Middle School Essay

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From Victim to Survivor

Starting from early adolescence, I knew that my journey towards adulthood would be different from my peers. One of my first memories of middle school was in fifth grade, being around a group of boys in my class and hearing them talking about women’s bodies and discussing them in a sexual manner. I was taken aback, I could not understand why they would desire to engage with someone in a sexual manner. In the back of my mind, I knew that sex was a violent act and nobody wants that to happen to them. It was unclear why those boys would want to do something so horrid to someone they found attractive. The following year, in sixth grade, our whole grade was enrolled in a basic health class. The class was focused on different drugs and their classifications, the importance of health and fitness, and an introductory to sex education. Again, I was so surprised that we were all going to learn about this heinous crime against the human body. It was then, during that class, that I realized that I was wrong all along. Everyone else had the understanding that sex was what happened between a man and a woman when they were in love. I had thought, since my very first memories of life, that all sex was rape. My childhood experiences had confused my entire perspective of intimacy and nobody had talked to me about that trauma until that year, the first time I asked about my sexual abuse.

Coming to Terms with the Truth

I had been sexually abused at the young age of

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