
The Violinist Argument Of Judith Tomson On Abortion

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The topic of abortion is very argumentized and taboo in today`s society. Many different people have a range of different opinions. This paper will address the argument of Judith Tomson and her view on pregnancy due to rape. She believes that the concept of personhood is very vague. Thomson`s view is moderate and she believes that there is no single stage where the fetus turns into a person, meaning that she does not believe that personhood begins at fertilization. She believes that abortion is morally permissible, even if the concept that personhood begins at fertilization, in certain circumstances like rape. She does believe that sometimes abortion is considered immoral like late term abortions. I will discuss Thomson`s Violinist Argument, the best objection to this argument, the response to the counter argument and my opinion and analysis of the given argument in this paper. …show more content…

She presents the situation that you wake up in the in the hospital and you don’t know how you arrived there. You have tubing in your sides that connect you to a famous unconscious famous violin player. This violin player is suffering from fatal kidney alignment. When you woke up a doctor tells you that the Society of Music Lovers kidnapped you because you and this violinist has the same blood type. They canvased the area and realized that you were the only person who could potentially save the violinist. The doctors tell you that they realize how wrong the situation is and if they would have known what they were planning, they would have tried to prevent it. They tell you that you have a choice, you can disconnect from him and he will die or you can stay connected for nine months, he will live and you can walk away. Thomson`s relates this scenario rape and

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