
The Vision Of Empire Held By Wilberforce And The Clapham Sect

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Analyse the vision of Empire held by Wilberforce and the Clapham Sect.

During Wilberforce’s lifetime the British Empire expanded and proceed to be the dominant force in the world as an economic, military and political power. At its height it was the largest empire in history and for over a century was the world 's foremost power. A power such as this had a considerable bearing on the people which habituated and worked to serve the power behind it as both MPs and people of significant social standing amongst its population as the elite. Therefore this essay will evaluate the vision of the Empire held Wilberforce and his contemporaries in the Clapham Sect.

The Clapham Sect was a group of Evangelical Christians who resided near Clapham and formed a strong community amongst one another. The group was ardently committed to ‘Practical Christianity’ and abolishing slavery. This is summarised succinctly by ‘Together, this Clapham fellowship sought to make the British Empire an instrument of social and moral welfare to all people.’ This commonly held view shows that the Clapham Sect knew the magnitude and the significance the British Empire held and could use this as a platform to project their christian ideals onto people who in their eyes were worse off for not conforming to these ideals. The Empire was seen as something that could enlighten through Christianity, however it brought violence through Slavery, the biggest ‘demon’ in the eyes of the Clapham Sect therefore it is of

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