Sammer hassan
Mr. S
English 9
“The minimum wage is the minimum hourly wage an employer can pay an employee for work. Currently, the federal minimum wage is $7.25 an hour (part of the Fair Labor Standards Act) and some states and cities have raised their minimum wage even higher than that.” minimum wage was first introduced during the great depression in 1930s. Before it was introduced thousands of people were forced to work in horrible conditions for pennies a week. Early attempts on minimum wage was ruled unconstitutional by the U.S supreme court, because it restricted people from deciding what they wanted to pay their workers. So employers still made there workers, work in horrible condition through the great depression. Now that poverty is a huge national issue. President Franklin D. Roosevelt made sure he would protect workers it was part of his mission as the president of the united states of america. After being reelected in 1936 he signed the FLSA in 1938. Which put into place a national minimum wage of 25 cents an hour. After the law was passed the minimum wage was changed almost every couple of years because the cost of living is very high. In 1997 bill clinton allowed states to make there own minimum wage. Today the minimum wage is 7.25/hour there is continuing debate over whether that 's a fair amount of money to support someone there days. Labor activists want the government to raise it while other point out the negative effects it would have on the
There are a lot of people around the world who struggle with money and a satisfactory way of life. Whether they be in the United States or across the globe, there is a standard minimum wage set for the working class of their country. In the Unites States, there is a federal minimum wage of seven dollars and twenty five cents per hour worked. Almost every state has another set minimum wage, which typically is a little higher than the federal minimum wage, but it cannot be lower than seven dollars and twenty five cents. Countries set minimum wage laws, to ensure there is a basic quality of life amongst its citizens. As the minimum wage goes up in certain states, the quality of life also improves. The problem with a higher minimum wage, is now people are getting paid higher for entry level jobs which are meant for teenagers and people new to the workforce. If the minimum wage keeps increasing across the country, teenagers and young adults will have a much more difficult time finding jobs.
Minimum wage has only been around in the United States (US) for a short period of time. Since 1938, the minimum wage has undergone many changes in its laws and regulations and has been raised to extreme amounts in some states. Today states must provide at least the equivalent minimum wage set by the federal government. Some states, however, chose to raise the minimum wage rate higher than that set by the federal government. In those states, the citizens will protest to get higher wages so that they can live more comfortably.
Minimum wage has only been around in the United States (US) for a short period of time. Since 1938, the minimum wage has undergone many changes in its laws and regulations and has been raised to extreme amounts in some states. Today states must provide at least the equivalent minimum wage set by the federal government. Some states, however, chose to raise the minimum wage rate higher than that set by the federal government. In those states, the citizens will protest to get higher wages so that they can live more comfortably.
In 1938 congress instituted minimum wage with 25 cents an hour being the first wage. After 78 years seven dollars has been the increase of minimum wage, stated by the article listed on, . Every year the cost of living and surviving in this country increases. You would think after 78 years, minimum wage would not be at $7.25. Many college students work part-time jobs that pays minimum wage to have some extra cash in their pockets or pay a few minor bills. Having a part time job is perfectly fine in college, but imagine not being in college, working a minimum wage job. Lets be honest, the pay checks are no where near what you would like them to be or it isn 't enough to cover everything that you want or need. So, imagine not being in college, working a full time job, with rent, children, car note, insurance, and etc. Many adults work minimum wage jobs, barely making it to provide for themselves and their kids. Your probably thinking, "maybe those people should go back to school or look for a better job.” Yes, that is true but for most people, its too late. A better job requires a degree, most people have kids and cant afford to take a couple of hours off or get someone to watch their kids while they attend school, so a minimum wage job is the only option. So, to make a better life for the struggling parents and the needy college students, increasing the minimum wage is a must for various reasons which include decreasing poverty, increasing health, and relieving
Minimum wage is the lowest wage paid or permitted to be paid (1). Americans have been debating raising minimum wage for years. The people that want the raise in pay believe that it will help workers who are not as qualified and need a salary they can support themselves on. The people who do not want the raise realize the damaging effects it will have on this country. These jobs do not require a great amount of skill so having a low pay is understandable. Minimum wage jobs were not created for people to support themselves and a family with. Raising minimum wage would hurt Americans more than help them because in the end prices of goods will increase and people will lose their jobs.
Umesh Regmi Dr. Lisa Moody English 101 Section 54 22 November 2014 Time for a Raise “A family with two kids that earns the minimum wage still lives below the poverty line. That’s wrong. Tonight, let’s declare that in the wealthiest nation on Earth, no one who works full time should have to live in poverty.” —President Barack Obama. For the purpose of keeping America out of poverty and increase consumer purchasing power in order to simulate the economy, President Franklin Roosevelt signed the law of minimum wage on June 25, 1938 as a part of the Fair labor Standards Act of 1938. The first minimum wage was $0.25 an hour, which is equivalent to $4.18 in today’s dollars. Started from $0.25 an hour, the minimum wage was raised to $7.25 per hour on July 24, 2009. Although the minimum wage has been increased to $7.25 an hour, the value of it has fallen sharply over the past forty years. In 1968, the federal minimum wage was $1.60 an hour, which translates to $10.90 in 2013 dollars. One of the most important reasons behind declaring the minimum wage law is to ensure that even the lowest-paid workers would receive an adequate level of pay. Adjusted for inflation, the minimum wage raise in 2009 was way lower than it was in 1968. The law that promises to pay its workers sufficient money for their living has failed in past decades. In order to adjust the minimum wage to the inflation, to improve the living standard of the people, and to boost the overall economy of the country,
Minimum wage controversies abound across the nation daily. A recent New York Times article headline stated “Fast-Food Restaurants Should Raise Minimum Wage, New York Panel Says” . An article posted online in the Waco Tribune on 22 July 2015, says “Sanders proposes $15 minimum wage, sets up Clinton contrast.” National Elections in 2016 will likely have minimum wage issues as a hot topic as well. We have not always had a minimum wage, but most people are not aware of that fact. To understand the minimum wage controversies you need to know the history of minimum wage. Minimum wage began in the 1930’s as one of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal Policies. In the 80 plus years since the implementation of his New Deal Policies, historians have reviewed and reassessed the impacts of these programs.
Minimum wage had become a big debate in our country, both federal and state minimum wage. They debate whether we should raise the federal wage or we should just let the states determine their own minimum wage rate by getting rid of federal all together. Many presidential candidates and other political officials would like to see the rate get up to at least $10 or even $15. The debate is that this will hurt our businesses and economy if we were to raise the rate. They also don’t think that people working a no skills job should earn almost as most as skilled job workers. The federal minimum wage was put in place to make sure the workers were in America were getting a pay that they deserved. In some states and even cities the cost of living has
For the last couple decades, the minimum wage has been on going topic that the economists and the policy makers has been debating on. Indeed, It is still an open issue and the policy makers still debating on increasing it. The first Country that passed the minimum wage policy was New Zealand in 1984, and a lot country followed. President Roosevelt passed the first minimum wage in 1938, the minimum wage was 0.25 when the Roosevelt passed, and it has been increased as the living expense went up. The minimum wage is measured on living expense and the economic growth. As today's living expense, The minimum wages should be increased.
The minimum wage in the United States has been an ongoing controversy for many years now. The first minimum wage was established in 1938 (Reich, 2015, P. 3). That minimum wage started out at .25 cents an hour; compared to today’s higher wage of a government standard of $7.25 an hour. Many people believe that the minimum wage should be more so that those who live below the poverty level in the United States will decrease, however in many other people’s opinions the minimum wage should be the same. The minimum wage should stay the same at a low $7.25.
Raising minimum wage has become one of today’s most popular issues to debate. Minimum wage has not grown along with inflation throughout the years and it has caused many people to fall into poverty in the United States. But what is Minimum wage? It is the minimum pay a worker is entitled to for their labor. Meaning that it is illegal for employers to pay a worker less than the minimum with the exception of a few jobs like waitressing. On July 24, 2019 the The Federal Government set minimum wage at $7.25 per hour. Although some states have established their own minimum wage standards most conform to the Federal mandate.
Minimum wage is one of the difficulties in the United States and around the world. Most of the countries have some type of minimum wage. Let’s take a look at the history of minimum wage. Minimum wage in the United State isn’t as old as you think might be. The first federal minimum wage was first introduced by Franklin D. Roosevelt in the 1930s. At first minimum wage was set at 25 cents an hour, which works out to about $4 per hour in today’s money. Minimum wage was introduced during the Great Depression, there was no national minimum wage or anything to protect workers from exploitation. “Because of the lack of regulation tens of thousands of workers were routinely exploited in sweatshops and factories, forced to work in horrible conditions and for pennies a week” (Minimum-wagehistory).
The government sets minimum wage at what they think an average person needs to live a healthy life, but is minimum wage isn't really enough to support a person. Minimum wage does not change with inflation, and prices have gone up since the last time minimum wage was changed on July 5, 2009. People get paid minimum wage, which is what the government says should be enough to cover the costs of living for a person, but for those living on minimum wage, hunger and malnutrition are a big problem, even with government and public assistance like SNAP (The Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program) and housing assistance programs.
The argument for minimum wage has remained remake consistent over the years. Some people are against minimum wage and the other think minimum wage can help you in a certain way. In the midst of the Great Depression, the Unites States federal government passed the Fair Labor Standards Act. The law has been amended almost every year to expand coverage of the wage floor and to increase the wage itself. Many of the fifty states have enacted their own minimum wage laws, some of them set even higher than the federal level. Minimum wage jobs don’t only help adults at hard times it help teenagers and college students. I learned that the proponents for minimum wage believe the raw value of one’s labor to a business
Why are so many people working full time and still living in poverty? The minimum wage must be aggrandized. The federal minimum wage was introduced in 1938 during the Great Depression under President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. It was initially set at $0.25 per hour and has been increased by Congress 22 times. The current federal minimum wage for covered nonexempt employees is $7.25 an hour. A minimum wage increase will increase worker productivity, save government money, and decrease poverty and increase consumer spending (Should the Federal Minimum Wage Be Increased?).