
The War Had A Deep Impact On The American Veterans And Our Society

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Approximately 2,700,000 American men and women served in Vietnam ( The war had a deep impact on the American veterans and our society. Prior to Vietnam, Americans have traditionally supported the military and have shown respect for soldiers (Moffett). Soldiers were viewed as heroes. Unfortunately, soldiers returned from the Vietnam War were treated with disrespect by the American public. In turn, disillusioned veterans returning from the war developed serious physical and psychological problems. American society subsequently lost faith in the government and their leaders for many years to follow. When the soldiers returned from the Vietnam War they were treated with disrespect by the American public. “At first, rather than giving …show more content…

Even the soldiers didn 't always feel like they were fighting for a cause. David Parks, a veteran writes “I never felt that I was fighting for any particular cause. I fought to stay alive, and I killed to keep from being killed.” (Parks) Unlike other wars, where soldiers were viewed as heroes, the Vietnam War veterans were treated with disdain and disrespect when they returned home. Stories emerged of atrocities and torture of the Vietnamese. “It was the first war in which the US failed to meet its objectives. It was also the first time America failed to welcome its veterans back as heroes.” ( Perhaps the worst aspect of the war was the treatment of the returning soldiers. “Unlike the hero status given to the returning soldiers from World War II, the soldiers that served in Vietnam were portrayed as baby killers, psychos, drug addicts and war mongers” (Moffett). They were active combatants one day and the next day veterans returning to a hostile civilian home environment ( Many veterans were physically attacked by those who opposed the war ( David Parks also writes “The white guy who sold me my ticket at the airport gave me some really dirty looks. He pitched my ticket at me like I was dirt.”(Parks) Often, returning soldiers were confronted at airports by protesters carrying anti-war signs and slogans (Moffett). The protesters would attack the soldiers and even threw urine at the veterans (Moffett).

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