Introduction During World War I and World War II life back home changed excessively. When the soldiers went to fight in World War 1 and World War 2, women and children had to replace men in the workforce. There was an increase in those affected by the trauma of the wars, and the birth-rates dropped during this time. Family Families were affected by the trauma and exposure of the war, causing mental illnesses such as depression. Young children had been exposed to the trauma of war. A great deal of pressure was put onto the older children because they had to take care of the household and their younger siblings. Injuries and mental health left soldiers unemployed, which led to financial difficulty to provide for the children, this forced families to change their standard of living in some cases (“Impact on soldiers and their families”). Children were also able to help during the wars through services such as knitting sweaters and making bandages for soldiers overseas. Sufficiently the topic of war was also beginning to appear in curricular in early 1914. Patriotic teachers encouraged students to help convince adult males or older brothers to enlist in the war. Countless children remember war as an economic hardship, grinding tragedy and unbearable grief (“The Children’s War”). Separation of fathers or sons left devastating effects on children, many felt as if their childhood had been stripped from them. This established tension between families as they poverty rate had been
World war one was one the biggest wars in recorded history. It lasted from 1914-1918 and was a brutal conflict in Canadian history. More than 60,000 Canadians died in this war. When the First World War began in the year of 1914, some believe that it would last for a long time. Many young individuals in Canada and others saw this war as a privilege to travel, adventure, and great beauty. Some individuals were afraid that the conflict would be over before they could get into the battle. Many people signed up dreaming that they would have the honour of fighting for the British Empire, to which Canada belonged. The somewhat “Great War” was different in the dreamy vision than it was in reality. This war took the lives of more than 8 million
_____331) What was the “final blow” that led President Woodrow Wilson to ask Congress to declare war against the Central Powers in World War I?
WWI and the Versailles Treaty had only a marginal (limited) relationship to the world Depression of the 1930s
Families were affected by the trauma and exposure of the wars, causing mental illnesses such as depression. Young children had been exposed to the trauma of the wars. A great deal of pressure was put on the older children because they had to take care of the household and their younger siblings. Injuries and mental health left soldiers unemployed, which led to financial difficulty to provide for the children, this forced families to change their standard of living in some cases (“Impact on soldiers and their families”). Nonetheless, children were also able to help during the wars through services such as knitting sweaters and making bandages for soldiers overseas. Sufficiently the topic of the wars was also beginning to appear in curricular in early 1914. Patriotic teachers encouraged students to help convince adult males or older brothers to enlist in the wars. Countless children remember the wars as an economic hardship, grinding tragedy and unbearable grief (“The Children’s War”).
Throughout the history of the United States, the American government has employed many propaganda techniques, usually during times of war and hardships, to evoke an intended reaction from Americans. "Propaganda is the deliberate, systematic attempt to shape perceptions, manipulate cognitions, and direct behavior to achieve a response that furthers the desired intent of the propagandist.” To control the public during difficult times, the government heavily utilized propaganda. The wars that propaganda was most prominently employed in were World War I and World War II. Propaganda, specifically in World War I and World War II, has had far more negative effects on American society than positive effects.
World War I (WWI) had many main events from 1914 – 1918. It was known as the Great War and the war to end all wars. It also introduced us to many new technology to including Barbed wire, machine guns, artillery, poison gas, airships, aircraft 's, new naval vessels and tanks. All these wartime machines and equipment resulted in unprecedented carnage and destruction, with more than 9 million soldiers killed by the end of the war. This First World War or the Great War, was a global war centered in Europe. This global conflict pitted 2 groups against each other “The Allied Powers” and “The Central Powers”. The Allied Powers was made up of Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy and The United States. Important people that were known for the Allied Powers were Herbert Henry Asquith, Prime Minister (UK), Woodrow Wilson (U.S. President), Aristide Briand, Prime Minister (France), and Prime Minister (France). The Central Powers was made up of Germany, the Austrian-Hungarian Empire, the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria. Important people that were known for the Central Powers were Prince Max Von Baden, Chancellor (Germany), Heinrich Von Clam-Martinic, and Prime Minister (Austria).
World War I (WWI) brought unprecedented change to the world. Never before had the entire world engaged in such brutal conflict. World War I brought about great pain and sorrow for the whole world. Even countries who were not directly involved in front line combat bore the suffering of financial and social limitations that affected the entire world during this time.
Following World War I, America turned inward and began to focus on itself. Yet, coming home from war Americans were also fearful of communism due to the recent Bolshevik Revolution where Lenin and the Bolshevik party gained control of Russia and made it communist. This scare led to drastic changes within our nation’s borders as America fought to keep communist influence out of its borders. This was such an impactful event that even the Attorney General of the time, A. Mitchell Palmer, set up a section in the Justice Department to handle issues relating to radicals, this sect of the Justice Department would be very active as, “More than ten thousand people were arrested—some for membership in Communist or left-wing groups, others on no greater pretext than that they looked or sounded foreign—and then jailed and interrogated with little regard for their right to due process” (Lehman, Phelps 260). This severe response to the scare of Communism demonstrates an inward focusing of America. Similarly, in the post-World War I time period America would demonstrate its interest in nativism which it would demonstrate through multiple acts being passed on immigration primarily, the Immigration Act of 1924. During this period of nativism, “Through the whole movement, from 1921 on, for more drastic curbs on the new immigration ran an increasingly assertive racial nativism” (Higham 313). That is America had
World War One, or The Great War as it is sometimes known, significantly altered the course of history for all the countries involved. It ushered in previously unprecedented changes in American politics, economics, and society, through the passage of laws that blatantly violated constitutional rights, a redefinition of women’s role in the workforce and the promotion of agriculture) as well as a rise in radicalism and a new form of patriotism.
Helga Arthur was born January 16,1943 right in the middle of the second World War II in Berlin Germany. When I was interviewing Helga she discussed how her parents were originally from Estonia and had lost everything which lead them to fled to Germany. But then Germany became unsafe when her father hear the communist were moving in and that there was the potential for Germany to be divided between the U.S , Britain and Russian. So Helga’s father got them forged german red cross papers and they escaped in the middle of the night through farm lands and keep going in the directions of where the Americans were. There was a tremendous amount of hunger along the way and the farmers that didn 't really want to help the people escaping the city because they did not want to get in trouble but Helga informed me that they could not say no to a hunger child so her parents and her got sheltering along their journey. After a perilous trip they mange to get themselves to Hesse Germany where there was a big American base. Helga mentioned at this time that her parents were both university educated and spoke multiple languages which was very good because her father ended up going to work for the American army and they hired him because he spoke English, Russian, Estonian, German, and a little bit of French which allowed him to support his family. The American soldiers were also extremely good to Helga’s family in terms of her father was able to bring home extra food at night which
A state of isolationism was a goal too great for America to handle. America and its leaders had sought to stay out of both World War I and World War II only to be pulled in by intense happenings that inflicted chaos on the nations people. World War II would be a time in American history that would bring many fresh war tactics and developments, that helped to pull a depraved nation from the depths of a depression as well as pledge the freedom and prosperity of its opposing nations. Dangerous discoveries will be made in the world would be left to be governed by two world powers.
At the precipice of World War I (WWI), the United States Army enlisted the help of women nurses resulting in a growth of economic opportunities for women in the nursing field. Before the war women were confined to their stereotype of a being delicate, motherly, and fragile. The war served as an opportunity for women, including nurses, to prove themselves to be more than their stereotype and be involved in the community rather than always sitting behind a man. Propaganda encouraged women to be more involved in the war and soon the concept feminism was reinvented. Female nurses, however, were still struggling to change the minds of people against women taking an active role in society or the military. Nursing had always played an important
The first world war was one of the most brutal and remorseless events in history; ‘the global conflict that defined a century’. Over nine million soldiers and a large amount of innocent civilians lost their lives. Empires crumbled, revolution engulfed Russia and America rose to become a dominant world power. Huge armies deployed new weapons of devastating effect from rifles and pistols to torpedoes and flame throwers. These weapons were used not only in the trenches but by tanks too. This was an advantage to those who were able to access such machinery as they could easily launch bullets and missiles at nearby enemy bases. The downfall of the tank was the fact it was unable to cross the trenches. Tanks were not the only pieces of equipment that could access this machinery but U boats and planes too. The British carried ‘bolt action rifles’ in which fired 15 rounds per minute at a minimum range of 1,400 metres away. This allowed the British to take out foes at a far greater range. By using machinery in which rules out the need for getting up close to the enemy was a great advantage during world war one. Soldiers ran from trench to trench attacking with all that they had. This resulted in a massacre as the soldiers running toward the trenches were shot down. Machinery such as machine guns and heavy artillery were the weapons used in the trenches. In modern day society, machine guns are the main weapons used by soldiers. This wasn’t the case around the 1914s. They took four
The First World War fought from 1914 to 1918 was one of the largest and most brutal catastrophes fought in the 20th century. With nearly the entire European continent fighting a barbaric and everlasting war, the U.S. had eventually to get involved in order to reinitiate stability to Europe. Ultimately, the U.S. taking involvement in World War I had a profound political, economic, and social impact on the country. It increased government powers and solidified the nation’s leadership role in foreign politics. The U.S. emerged as the world 's greatest industrial power with increasing financial opportunities for minorities. At the same time anti-immigrant and anti- communist sentiments arose among many American citizens. And finally the war contributed to the massive migration of African Americans from the Southern to Northern states looking for employment and freedom and, first time allowed women to participate in jobs that were traditionally reserved for men.
World War I and World War II were known as the two largest military conflicts in history. Many countries went to war and many lives were lost. Both wars consisted of many different alliances between different countries involved in whichever war.