
The Warfare During The American Civil War

Decent Essays

The conduct of warfare during the American Civil War best exemplified one characteristic of the Western way of war, which without its incorporation could have drastically changed the outcome of the war and the existence of the United States as we know it. This characteristic demonstrated is innovation. Innovation as a characteristic of the Western way of war best exemplifies the American Civil War based on the telegraph, the rifled musket and the railroad. Had the Union and United States government not leveraged the above mentioned technologies the outcome of the war could have resulted in the division of this country. From the onset of the Civil War the South possessed two advantages. One was geography and the other was that it did not have to “win” the war. The vastness of the United State presented command and control challenges and logistical challenge for both Union and Confederal forces. This before mentioned challenge played into the Confederate forces other advantage which was they could simple keep the Union forces to a draw during the war and thus ensuring their future as an independent country. For the Union forces to overcome the challenge of geography and to not result in a draw they used innovations such as the telegraph to communicate orders to Soldiers over vast distances and thus making geography and the tyranny of distance a less of an advantage for the Confederate forces. The ability for leadership to convey timely orders to their military

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