
The Warrior-Personal Narrative

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I stir from my deep slumber to the sound of the people shrieking and the smell of flame lingering in the air. I hear the clang of the swords and pikes clashing, I quickly rise without any time to dress properly. I exit my tent and was slammed by the cold night air that is typical in the dead of night. I hear the anguish of my people, the powerful Yggdarrian tribe, outside trying to valiantly fend off the invaders. You see we aren't warriors we are simply hunters and gatherers.The fear in their eyes are evident. I cannot bear to see them in pain. But then I see the General head to my family's tent...¨Shit! Mamá. Mamá are you alright!¨ I screech over the sound of the chaos.
My heart dropped as I rip through the tent to see their Davinar slit my Mamás …show more content…

I run into the many tents trying to find other survivors. Then I make out a womens cry for help and I charge at the man. Who wasn’t much of a challenge anyway and stab the man in the back, and the blood drenches my torso. I look down and see the woman looking relieved, I offer her my hand and order her to,¨Take as much food,water, and medical supplies you can and go join the other survivors past the bridge of the Mimas river... GO!¨ In the wake of everything, I am unblinded by the coat smoke that has finally been lifted from my tribe and see the limbs of my fallen brethren scattered across my village. They all fought valiantly against these savages. I dig pile and one by one all of their bodies were put together, and I poured some salt of the Mimas river, kiss each and every one of them and felt a surge of power enter through me as the passing of strength has been processed through every fiber of my being. Through me these brave and noble people can rest easy as I sing for their souls to reach their next great adventure. As time went on I feel my power slowly wane as I continue to try and find the survivors that fled from this horrific

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