The Water Slide Slip Have you ever made a bad decision? Chances are, YOU HAVE! Maybe spilled something on the floor and not cleaned it up, or deciding to kick your cousin in the face for not leaving the elevator… Anyway, my decision in this story has nothing to do with the second one. But it is a VERY BAD CHOICE, with a VERY, VERY BAD consequence! It is the time when I left my spilt water on the floor, and my uncle suffered! Uh oh….. It was getting late, the sky was dimming, and the fridge and blender were calling my name! That’s right, SNACK TIME!!! I ran out of my room, through the hall, and took a sharp right turn into the kitchen! As fast as lighting I grabbed my vitamin water out of the fridge, grabbed a cup filled with ice, and tossed
Erosion is a process where natural forces like water, wind, ice, and gravity wear away rocks and soil. Erosion occurs at the Earth’s surface, and has no effect on the Earth’s mantle and core. Water erosion is the removal of soil particles by heavy rainfall or running water. “While the causes of erosion by water are generally natural, water erosion is usually caused by rainfall and runoff on a slope” (GEI Works Erosion Pollution). “The process of water erosion usually occurs on stream and river banks, sea shores and seaside cliffs” (
The engineers at the dam had no choice, and had to take the most appropriate action, which would benefit the people living in the surrounding areas the most, based on the situation, as a result, they had to release the water and not allow it to go beyond the 200 per cent capacity limit. If they allowed the water capacity in the dam to go beyond the 200 percent capacity limit, that would mean that the secondary spillway will be activated and they would not be able to control the water flow, which would then lead to the flood levels rapidly rising. Should this occur, there is a high chance that the loss of lives would be significantly higher, and the amount of damage would be much worse than what had actually occurred in 2011. More so, in the event that no action was taken at all, and the water levels began to rise at a much higher rate, until water started to spill over the dam wall, there would have been a possibility that the dam wall would have started to erode. With the additional pressure buildup from the water it is holding back, it would have been possible that the dam wall could have then collapsed completely, which would possibly have wiped out the whole city. Judging by this, the actions taken by the engineers then are ethical and correct, as if it was not for their action to release the water, the damage that could have occurred would have been significantly worse, and would have caused more grievous harm to the majority of the population of
On March 22nd, 2014, one of the deadliest landslide disasters occurred in Northwest Washington. There was tragic loss of life and destruction of property. Debris covered approximately 40 homes and nearly a mile of State Rt. 530. It is commonly known as the “Oso Landslide” because of the location of this tragedy. On this day, Steelhead Haven, near Oso, WA would suffer the loss of 43 fatalities.
All the friends got together and they had sandwiches and bunch. The party was outside. It started to rain, so they took every thing into kitchen.
After the excitement about the watermelons died down, we headed inside with the strange fruit. Ernie had finished up with dinner by that time. He laid everything out on the dining room table. Half of the family members gathered food onto a plate and migrated to the living room. The other half, including CC, Jim, Ashley, Aunt Jill, and I, sat around the dining room table. I was very confused by the food in front of me. I had never seen whatever rested on the plates at the center of the table. Only after CC put some of the food on a plate, did I consider getting
There are numerous real developments on the planet today. The initial four noteworthy developments all shaped in waterway valleys. These civic establishments are Egypt on the Nile River, China on the Huang He River, India on the Indus River, and Mesopotamia on the Tigris and Euphrates waterways. Waterway valleys were a need in ahead of schedule developments. In this paper, I will clarify the effect of topography in four antiquated social orders: Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, and China.
Tom Sawyer is a boy who lives with his Aunt Polly, and two cousins, Sid, and Mary. His life consists of a lot of choices. Some good, and some bad. Once, he and Huckleberry Finn, Tom Sawyer's best friend, and their good friend Joe Harper, decided that they were going to run away and become pirates. They ran away and were gone for three days and nights. Then, when they were caught in a hurricane, they found out that being pirates wasn't all fun and games, as they thought it would be. Finally, they decided that it would be a good time to go home, but when they got back home, they found out that the towns people were holding a funeral service for the three missing boys. That was one of Tom's really bad decisions, mainly because he scared his aunt
“Connor, mom and I are going to make breakfast without dairy for you in about 15 minutes. We’ll need to leave our house at noon since we need to be there by 1:00 P.M.,” my dad claimed. After knowing this, I got a glass of refreshing ice water, went into my family room, and I took my usual spot on our couch to watch some television. I knew I was nervous, but I didn’t want that to conquer my success. Once I was settled in, my siblings came stampeding into the family room.
We were finish. Over. Done with. So we changed and searched for the next activity. There was absolutely not to do except for starting at the unchanging walls. It was around four and dinner wasn’t and isn’t until six. I desperately needed a snack after our swim break. But, sadly this eleven year old had to wait. My stepmother allowed me to have a popsicle to hold me over.
1. Alaska draws pioneers, pilgrims, and countless adventurers to its frozen wilderness for reasons that many can’t see or understand. Whether they seek out nature’s beauty and knowledge like Chris McCandless, or the glory of achievement like climber John Waterman, most find the conditions cruel and unrelenting. Alaska is beautiful, but for many, it is less a refuge than a peril.
Three slices of pizza and a soda later, we were all running around like maniacs. I laughed, something I hadn’t done in a long, long time. Everyone slowly started to crash from their sugar high, and went home. Soon, I was the only one left.
I opened the fridge and found the leftovers of my burrito that I didn’t finish last night. I finished that up and got ready. After an hour I got ready in my basketball clothes and went with my mom to play the game, even though my stomach was not agreeing with my choice of plans.
Cathleen hopped off my bed, where she was reading the comics pages of a newspaper from my stash, while I begun to stand up, feeling stiff and numb from sitting on the floor for so long. We rushed out of our room and down the (admittedly very short) hallway to the kitchen table. I hoped lunch was something warm; maybe soup or chicken with rice. Rather, it was ham and cheese sandwiches with chopped carrots and ice water.
This boy decided to come to Grad Night, which is where high school graduates can come into Disneyland after hours as much as they want. Well he decided to play on the Monorail and the security guard already told him a lot of times to “get off this because it’s very dangerous”. Well they boy decided not to listen and his consequences were getting dragged 30-40 feet just right before the train came to a stop.
There is irrefutable evidence that over the period of the Middle Ages, both Christianity and Islam have been anchors in both shaping and influencing governance of kingdoms and empires comprising Western Europe, the Byzantine Empire, and territories ruled by Islam. Religion during this period was widely used to set laws, influence culture, justify armed conflicts, and pronounce punishment on citizens domiciled within the geographies depicted within this essay. I will attempt to illuminate the geopolitical climate, territorial demarcation, and religious influences that depicted life circa 500 – 1517 CE. From the background material submitted, I will directly answer the following questions: