Is water a reason we’ve evolved so much? Water consists of oxygen and hydrogen and is an essential to life. Water is what keeps our crops growing, which also keeps us alive. But has it affected our past and present. It's in many ways, like why we drink water instead of drinking other drinks, like Gatorade, or how in the past and present we have tried to evolve our way of how to transport water, and how we used to believe in gods and goddesses about water. Water has impacted how we exercise and what we use to exercise. Instead of using sports drinks like Gatorade or Powerade or Red Bull, we use water since it’s good for us and we are energized by it, not some sports drinks that cost us money. One source says,” It's important to consider that …show more content…
The Water Screw, created by Archimedes, has been used as long as most can remember. It was used in a way of irrigation, and mining. The Archimedean Screw was and still is being used to bring water upwards from a lower elevation. The Greeks had used this invention wisely, like when the mines there flooded, the Grecians, and other ancient civilizations, used his invention to take water out of the mine to work. In the present, we use the water screw at dams and reservoirs to control the flow of the water, like the one at Meriden Dam, which controls how the dam flows. One source says,” I would bring in a larger scale of water and the screw to conduct more life-involved experiments of the water screw.” (My Water Screw Conclusion) This quote shows us that we could advance our knowledge about water and its movements using the water screw. Wikipedia states,” The principle is also found in pescalators, which are Archimedes screws designed to lift fish safely from ponds and transport them to another location. This technology is used primarily at fish hatcheries, where it's desirable to minimize the physical handling of fish.”(Wikipedia, Archimedes Screw) This cite explains how we are using to help the environment, which then helps with food production. To summarize, Our past and present have been affected by a creation involving
All throughout an athletes life they are told to drink plenty of water, and replace their fluids. Athletes are told this enough to the point where it makes numbs them since they heard it so many times to the point where they forget the extreme importance of proper hydration, proper hydration. Proper hydration is not only key to optimum health, but also to great performance. Athletes are told to drink plenty of water, but do they really know why? It is this writer’s opinion that a greater understanding of proper hydration can lead to better health and performance for athletes and help spread awareness for dehydration and over hydration.
Have you ever gotten a sports drink instead of a soda thinking you were choosing a healthier option? Well this might change your perspective. Powerade and Gatorade are just watered down soda; yes, it gives you electrolytes which is what you lose when you sweat, but that does not mean it is good for you. There are many other healthier ways of getting electrolytes than by just drinking a sugar drink. In the Powerade article written by the company does not argue about how water is not helpful to athletes and does not have the opposing argument. Although the gatorade article written by David R. Lamb they make it more persuasive than informational.
Each sports drink contains 21 grams of sugar are contained in a 12 ounce bottle of Gatorade. With most bottles being 32 ounces, the consumer is actually ingesting 56 grams of sugar. Although this is not healthy, it is less grams of sugar than an average soda per ounce. “In fact, Berkeley researchers say the sugar in sports drinks may be contributing to the child obesity epidemic by increasing their caloric intake”. For consumers that are less active, the added sugar in their diet is not recommended. Weight gain from extra calories has also been found to be a problem for less active consumers. “For people who are not exercising for at least one hour, 5 days per week, water is the best bet for staying hydrated.” Experts suggest sports drink consumption should be monitored by children’s parents. The best source of hydration for children continues to be water (Schaefer). Unless a person is participating in vigorous exercise for a long period of time, water is the best option for
water runs through your body and helps you hydrate and keep healthy, it also is proven that water physically makes you faster and mentally sharper. Before every race you need to drink at least 2 or 3 bottles of water that day. By drinking this water you're helping your body function right, and faster because the water will run through your body creating a fresh crisp athletic body. Water makes pain go away, you don't have cramps when you drink water. If you drink soda it will cause a number of cramps consisting of side cramps, calf cramps, foot cramps and more. If you could only drink soda from the water fountains and you always had that temptation to drink soda it would then become a habit and you would never want to stop drinking
It is important for anyone doing physical activity to keep well hydrated, for performance to be at its best. Sports drinks are specially formulated to help people rehydrate during or after exercise. Drinks such as Gatorade and Powerade contain the main electrolytes and carbohydrates, which are used by the working muscles, to maintain optimal sports performance (, 2014). The acidity of sports drinks and the sugars, is raising health concerns, and creates unnecessary calories. (, 2014) Sports drinks are proven to only be necessary when working intensely for over 90 minutes, so an athlete running a marathon may need a Powerade, but water is the best source of hydration for exercise of 90min or less.
Many arguments have risen on the matter of drinking sports drinks or water. Sports drinks are becoming more popular every year, drawing more attention to them. This is causing people to stop drinking water and begin drinking sports drinks. The question is, which is the right choice?
Water is one of the most important elements on Earth and also for our body. We need water to work and function properly and well. Without enough supply of water, our body will grind to a halt and collapse.
between 70% and 95% of the mass of the cell. This means that we are
Very recently, I watched a program on public television about freshwater. It really got me interested in thinking about how important water is to human survival. Fresh and clean water is vital to the very existence of the human race. Without it, all living things would die, including human beings. So how important is water to humans and why?
The Importance Of Water To Living Organisms Water is normally the most abundant component of any living organism. As most human cells are approximately 80% water and 60% of the human body is made up of it, it is extremely important in many different ways to both the survival and the well being of living organisms. Evolutionists believe that life probably originated in water and even today thousands of organisms make their home in it. Water also provides the medium in which all biochemical reactions take place. The importance of water to living organisms originates from its many properties including its solvent properties, its high specific heat capacity, its high latent heat of vaporization,
Lately, the trend is that nearly everyone carries a water bottle with them and sips all day long. But what does water really do for the body? Is it essential that people gulp down the prescribed “eight glasses of water a day” for optimal health and performance? A growing body of information now points to evidence that water is beneficial to your health.
The major reason anyone drinks fluid before, during and after physical activity is to replace the water that is lost through sweat. If the water isn't replaced dehydration will occur and performance will be hampered. The purpose of sports drinks is to help rehydrate your body quickly and help improve performance and productivity. This is accomplished through a well-balanced mix of water, sugar (carbohydrates) and salts (electrolytes), the major ingredients in most sports drinks. These ingredients, combined with a variety of fruit flavours, create pleasant tasting drinks that, according to the companies, are suppose to help your athletic performance. Results prove that commercial sport drinks generally accomplish what they set out to do.
Comprising over seventy percent of the Earth's surface, water is undeniably the most valuable natural resource. Life on Earth would be non-existent without water because it is essential for everything on our planet to grow. The human body is composed of 50-80% water. Blood and muscles contain significant amounts, and approximately 95% of the brain is water. All body systems and organs need water to function properly, and will shut down without it. Most of the chemical reactions that take place in our body need water as their medium. We can live without food for a few weeks, but can survive only a few days without water. It's essential because unlike other nutrients, water isn't stored in the body. Typically, everyday, we lose around 10
Water is considered as an essential for human existence. We all can survive without food for some day but no one can live without water at least two days. Human body consists of 70% percent of water and our globe is covered by 69.9% percent of water. But unfortunately the useable fresh water is just 2.5% out of it. Water is a social good, water is an economic good, water has ecological value and water has religious, moral and cultural value.
Water is essential for life on earth. Water is needed for growing food, keeping ourselves clean, generating power, controlling fire and most importantly to stay alive! This list is simply non-ending. This shows that water is an integral part of our daily life and we are heavily dependent on it.