
The Way I See It, Each City Is A Clean Slate

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The way I see it, each city is a clean slate. A fresh start. I can go, wear whatever I want, have every experience I can, and work anywhere, then move. My grandfather was the inventor of Pop Rocks, so I can live where ever and do whatever. There are literally no limits to what I can and will do with my life.

Here in New York, I 'm living the idealistic Tumblr-aesthetic lifestyle, in my studio apartment with an uneven floor and a stove that only works half of the time. A suggestion for anyone moving to a new city, work in the small coffee shop about 3 blocks, making the minimum wage for 12 hours a day, because what else are you going to do? And for me, that coffee shop is where both my job and my hobby take place. My …show more content…

That 's when it hits me.

Simon, he 's an art consultant. Now, standing up, 1,253 miles away from home, I know how to get him. Another 'I love you ', another person to love, and another person to leave behind when I leave.

Three hours later, I 'm standing behind a two foot, wood counter with a black tee-shirt and skinny jeans on with an apron to signal 'I work here! '. Smiling at the woman with two kids holding on to her she asks for a black coffee, I check the time on my grandfather 's old watch. 7:50. 10 minutes until he usually gets here.

"Mooommmm, can I get a donut and milk?" The shorter of the children looks up at her. He could be the youngest, but I don 't want to assume anything, being shorter than my 2 younger sisters.

"Oh,oh,oh! Mom, if Tim gets one, can I also get a donut?" Now, the taller one is looking up, instead of at the chocolate donuts.

I also look at the mother.

"What? Whose getting a donut? No-"

"Please! Mom! Please!" They interrupt her with some begging. I have even lost sight of one of the kids. I 'm pretty sure he 's on his knees, begging. Now, that 's commitment.

The mother looked down at her kids, up at me, up to God, then back at me. I think she was praying for a minute there, but, she still sighed out

"Okay, one donut each, no milk. Oh, and the coffee,"

"Of course, that 's 8 dollars,"

I handed the empty coffee cup to Stephanie to fill it up, and then walked to counter where we keep the donuts as

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