
Essay on The Welfare Reform Law

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Since the Welfare reform law was introduced in 1996 it has impacted American society greatly. The new welfare policy, named the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), replaced the Aid to Family and Dependent Children (AFDC) program; they have five known differences that only affect the ones who need the assistance. Critics argue that the TANF has negatively impacted the society while some argue that it has not. Linda Burnham, author of “Welfare Reform, Family Hardship & Woman of Color,” asserts that “welfare reform has increased the hardship faced by many women leaving welfare for work and their movement into low-wage jobs, exposes them to higher level of housing insecurities, homelessness, food insecurity, and hunger.” She also …show more content…

One main effort of welfare reform is to replace public assistance with earnings. To date, politicians and welfare reform advocates have applauded the efforts and claimed success. However, lurking at the surface of welfare-to-work policies are serious problems and structural impediments. Lack of jobs, low pay, job-readiness, and difficulties in securing ancillary supports like transportation and child care are obvious problems that are not easily resolved. Full-time low-wage work does not provide enough income to support families, nor does it accommodate the demands that full-time parents have. These problems plague welfare-to-work efforts and make life very difficult for poor, single-mother families. At the same time, they create an opportunity to consider the value of care giving work and to reform the nature of low-wage work. (Albeda 71)
These women also have sometimes been victims of unfortunate circumstances and their impoverished state sometimes limits their access to contraceptives which are very expensive. Within the five years that these poor women are on welfare, their economic circumstances do not allow them a way to move up the socio-economic hierarchy. Welfare, therefore, is a short term phenomena for most recipients. Recipients most times cannot return to school because they are busy juggling their family life and the work world. The law also restricts their earnings and if they receive any

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