
The Well-Known Story Of Narcissistic Myth

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The etiology of what is known today as Narcissistic Personality Disorder can be traced back to a time in which humans struggled to identify and define themselves in the world. The well-known story of narcissus, for whom the term Narcissism and Narcissistic Personality Disorder is named after, first emerged around 8 A.D. The story goes into depth of how Narcissus, a Thespian, the son of the nymph Leiriope, developed a tenacious pride in his own beauty. A roman poet named Ovid tells the story of how Narcissus became fascinated and entranced by his own beautiful appearance in a clear spring for hours at a time in his narrative Metamorphoses. In Robert Grave’s version of the story, The Greek Myths, he summarizes how Narcissus was pursued by “heartlessly rejected lovers of both sexes” and turned all of them down because he favored himself more (1955). Graves elaborated on how Narcissus rejected Echo, whom was a suitor. As professed to his mother by a famous seer, “Narcissus will live to a ripe old age provided that he never knows himself” (Graves, 1955). This well-known Greek myth has become the perfect display of Narcissistic Personality Disorder …show more content…

Freud believed that narcissism, which he considered a normal and healthy part of human development, was formed in the stage known as the “original libidinal cathexis of the ego” (Freud, 1914). In this stage, Freud makes note of the fact that younger children sometimes have to refocus their libidinal drives because the child has a hard time differentiating between themselves and their mother (Freud, 1914). During this hard time that the child has, the energy and drives that are devoted to their care taker are known as libidinal drives and what is left in the child is seen as narcissistic, as those drives are consumed within its

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