
The Whiskey Ring Scandal In The 19th Century

Decent Essays

By: Tommy Nauert The whiskey ring scandal took place in 1875 which involved the evasion of taxes by government agents, politicians, whiskey distillers and distributers. The circle or “ring “started in St. Louis Missouri and then went to Chicago Milwaukee, and News Orleans. A group of mostly republican politics and government agents avoided the taxes that were put on liquor. In the last half of the 1800’s anti-alcohol movements had started to come up in society. These organizations were starting to make political appearances and have an influence on how people were voting. In 1893 a new groups called the Anti-Saloon League formed in Oberlin, Ohio. They were against the drinking of alcohol anywhere and affected elections greatly by hurting opponents of prohibition. The people that were against alcohol then went a step ahead. In the first two decades of the 19th century thousands of supporters of prohibition paraded from the White House to get national prohibition stared by 1920. The whiskey ring was led by Presidents Grant’s Foe Sen. Carl Shultz. Shultz had put Grant’s reelection in jeopardy. The liberal republicans, who Sen. Schultz was leader of, had many western states locked in to voting for him. He was able to campaign so well because of all the money that the liquor sales had brought to him. The liberal …show more content…

It had become know that many scandals that involved President Grant had lead back to Babcock. This brings up many questions: is Grant Babcock’s puppet? Is Babcock just using Grant so he can do all of these things with the whiskey and IF he gets caught he can get out of it? Grant testified on the behalf of Babcock and Babcock was acquitted. He retired from politics in 1877 and became the Chief engineer of the 5th and 6th lighthouse

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