
The Wife Of Bath's Tale Gender Roles Essay

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Equal Gender, Equal Rights
Because men were labeled to be the dominant sex for a long time in human history, I believe that women should be able to finally have equal authority as men. Women and men are supposed to fit into gender roles made by society. It is unsettling and disappointing to see that society has only initiated the attempt to treat both sexes equal.
In “The Wife of Bath’s Tale”, Chaucer talks about what women want most in a relationship. After asking the old hag of what women coveted the most, he quickly went to the queen. In order for his life to be spared, the knight answers the question to what women wanted the most, he said, “My liege lady, over all this world women wish to have sovereignty as well as over her husband as her love, and to have mastery over him. This is your greatest desire, though you may slay me for this. Do as you wish; I am here at your will.” (Chaucer 1042). This shows that in “The Wife of …show more content…

Today, more women are becoming career-oriented and centered; they are not obligated to be married and have kids. Women no longer have to stay home to cook, clean, and take care of the kids. Men don’t have to be the money makers of the family; it's become more acceptable for a father to be a homemaker. Between the years of 1989 and 2012, the amount of father homemakers has rose from 1.1 million to 2 million. In fact more women are completing their education than men. It has been predicted that 60 percent of women are going to earn at least a Bachelor’s degree, while only 40 percent of men are merely able to earn a Bachelor’s. Meyers In “The Future of Men” explains the evolving gender roles, "So we've got this complex, duel situation that often ends up feeling less like men are dominant, then women are dominant -- but that people are sharing the anxiety of earning money and raising a family more equally than ever

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