?And it came to pass, that after three days they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, both hearing them, and asking them questions. And all those heard him were astonished at his understanding and answers.? Luke 2:46-47
The Bible accounts that when God spoke for the first time, Life, in the form of an energy called light, illuminated the universe. In that moment of time, darkness was the present condition across the expanse. The darkness could not understand the light and thus fled as God expressed his sovereign will through the spoken Word. The declaration of His Word brought forth light. This original light inundated the cosmos with life. Therefore, we conclude that life in the universe exists by the verbal Word of God. The written word of God, in comparison to the spoken word of God, first came to men on Mount Sinai when God himself carved with His finger upon tablets of stone. Moses was the original recipient of the written word. The stone tablets, however, was not the Lord?s first choice of where to put His Word. His first choice was to speak the Word directly into the hearts of His covenant people, Israel. Having a unique group of people who embraced His Word in their hearts was God?s perfect blueprint. However, as Sinai vibrated with the omnipotence of God speaking, the nation of Israel trembled with fear as they backed away from the voice of the Lord God. Moses was the only one at that time who drew near to where God was. On the
In the Holy Bible, which is inspired by the word of God, whom is the creator of the
Since then, the origin of the universe became a very big question to everyone. The curiosity we possess help us seek answers from different questions we can think of. Different hypotheses and ideas were formed with great scientific evidence to prove that the universe began as a single primordial atom. The scientists even found out that the universe is expanding because of the great amount of dark matter present in it. However, with these ideas, the religious thinking of people could not be removed. The concept of God being the Creator of all the things that existed contradicts the views of the theories formed. The stories and verses contained in the bible are different from the results of studies connected to it. Here, I investigate the things
We [the disciples] did not follow cleverly invented stories when we told [the people] about the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty. (New International Version, 2 Peter
The opening chapter of the bible, known as the Genesis, begins with the words “In the beginning God created the havens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). The text tells us that the earth was formless, empty, and dark. The Bible reveals that God made the world and all that is in it out of nothings. He spoke His Word, and everything came into existence. According to Genesis 1, God created the earth in six days. On the first day, God created the light. On the second day, He created the firmament called heaven. On the third day, God created the dry land in the midst of the lower waters. On the fourth day, He created the sun, the moon and the stars. One the fifth say, He created the fish and all the other living creatures in the oceans and the lakes. On the sixth day, God created the land animals and man. He created man in his own image and placed man in charge of the animals. The seventh say, God rested from His work of
Whilst the bible does not specifically mention euthanasia, it does address closely related topics. Euthanasia is essentially killing out of mercy, hence the name ‘mercy killing’. The bible tells us that we are not to murder (Exodus 20:13) and any form of taking a life is seen as killing. It says that we die when God chooses us to, and to murder is an attempt to deny God his right of appointing death. Therefore, ‘mercy killing’ is going against God’s will and is a sin. The sixth commandment is “You shall not murder”, and that justifies what is previously said. However, in the beatitudes, it says “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy”. If we show mercy by killing,
Responding to such a question as the one stated on responding to a friend who asks you why you believe in the Bible, and asks "Isn't it a book just like any other piece of literature?" would be a difficult question, but let alone a very plausible question to be asked to a Christian in a one's lifetime. I have personally been asked this question before on multiple occasions, and there are many responses I have given as according to being sensitive to the circumstances upon which the question was asked. I believe in the Bible as being the authoritative word of God, and the divinely inspired, and breathed out word of God (2 Timothy 3:16). To use a response that would allow this message to portray itself accurately, I would likely use 3 main
The King James version of the Bible affected many things and had a major impact on society and the English language. It was created by King James to benefit and fill a request given by the puritans to King James. It took seven years to write and it became the English standard version of the Bible. The King James version includes a lot of formal and poetic language to describe stories and events in the other versions of the Bible. It taught the Bible in a different way making it easier for some people to understand and believe in the stories and truths of the Bible. This version is the most influential version of the Bible. It is also the most referred too and the most popular for many groups of people. Overall it is a descriptive and creative translation that combines truth with poetic art and beautiful language appealing to many different groups of people.
“Six days later Jesus took with Him Peter and James and John his brother, and led them up on a high mountain by themselves. He was transfigured before them; and His face shone like the sun, and His garments became as white as light. Moses and Elijah appeared to them, talking with Him. Peter said to Jesus, Lord, it is good for us to be here; if you wish, I will make three tabernacles here, one for you, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah. While he was still speaking, a bright cloud overshadowed them, and behold, a voice out of the cloud said, this is My Beloved Son, with whom I am well-pleased; listen to Him! When the disciples heard this, they fell face down to the ground and were terrified. Jesus came to them and touched them and said, get up, and do not be afraid. Lifting up their eyes, they saw no one except Jesus Himself alone. As they were coming down from the mountain, Jesus commanded them, saying, tell the vision to no one until the Son of Man has
“Lift up your eyes and look from the place where you are” Genesis 13:14. The word genesis is the dawning of creation, and the biblical book of Genesis is the book that brings fourth the creation of our planet and the life that resides. Genesis also describes the descent of Adam and Eve and unveils the foundation that sin builds upon. Genesis introduces the origin of the holy land, Israel, and inception of holy covenants promised by the holy trinity; the son, the father, and the holy spirit. Genesis communicates the definite events of one of the most contended controversies of our current philosophical climate, the origin of all things existing. This holy book of creation faces several critical issues, such as stylistic variation, and
There is no doubt about it, at least once or twice, you have heard someone say that life is mysterious and everything happens for some unexplainable reason. In any case, the fifty-three residents who live in the rural southern farming community of Wrongberight swear by it. According to the locals, it is the gospel truth. For instance, the beginning of this week a series of intermittent summer rainstorms struck the town. When the townsfolks awoke, on Friday, they expected their usual unique Maxwell Parrish sunrise. Instead, they received a ten-hour deluge and eight inches of additional rain added to the already saturated farmer’s fields and woodlands. On Saturday, the townspeople honestly believed they had a greater chance of seeing a drone
I believe that scripture is the infallible Word of God, divinely inspired by God through human hands, for the teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training of Christians and forming the basis of the Christian life and guiding them on the path to Christ. I believe that scripture is infallible rather than inerrant, because human writers through which God spoke can still make mistakes. However, Matthew 24:35 reminds us that God’s word is true in all ages and places. 2 Timothy 3:16 gives reasons why it is import for believes to use the scripture such as teaching and correcting. Scripture guides us along the path we should as evidences by Psalms 119:105 comparing Scripture to a lamp to show us the way. I have also personal experienced the wisdom that the scriptures can offer to those who need guidance. I also believe that scripture should be the main point of guidance, which is something that my church has taught me such I was young. Matthew 7:24 instructs us to build our house on the rock (scripture) which is the most solid place to rest our life.
Even as a little boy Christ was wise beyond his years. In Luke 2:46-50 Jesus, at the age of twelve, was accidently left at the temple, in Jerusalem, by His parents, for three days. When Mary and Joseph find Him, Jesus is sitting among the teachers listening and asking questions and these teachers and those in the temple were amazed at Jesus’ understanding and responses. His parents did not understand and Christ submitted to them respectively. This is a foundational moment in Jesus’ life. Christ has answers beyond understanding just as counselors seem to have an aura of future knowledge and understanding. In this incident teachers are with Christ and they are collaborating and expanding their knowledge. Even though Mary and Joseph do not understand this Jesus humbles himself to submit to them. Humbly, Christ is working with others and learning just as a counselor must continually expand their knowledge
The main reason because of which religions are saved, and passed on from one generation to another is the book. Holy books are the sets of ancient story mentioning the rules, laws, restrictions, and reflect the existence of gods. The holy book of Hindus is The Vedas, and the holy book of Christians is The Bible. Even though, these holy books provide us much beneficial information, The Vedas teaches the people to devote their life in service, and The Bible gives us the message of
The bible was written as an account of what many viewed that God had accomplished so his actions and words could be passed on for generations. Some believe it is a literary account and some believe it is a historical account. The word of God in the bible comes in many forms and is left up to interpretation by the reader. Some believe that the word of God should be the only word and should be strictly followed. Some believe that the words are meant as a guideline to help us through life. Whatever your belief is you can always seem to find the meaning behind your belief through the word of God in the Bible.
The Quran or Qur’an is a religious record which Muslims believe to be the holy word of God, delivered to the Prophet Mohammed through the Archangel Gabriel. Muhammad memorized The Qur 'anic word, as he didn’t write his own manuscripts. Scribes wrote the passages of the Qur’an, editing them during Mohammed’s lifetime. The text of the Qur’an has not been changed in over fourteen centuries and is considered to be as original as when it was scribed; it is considered perfect in language and style (Svensson, 2010).