The World Is Flat Ch. 3 Reading Guide Questions Please complete the following reading guide questions as you read chapter 3. You will need to copy and paste the table below in a new Google Doc in order to answer them. Please type your answers in complete sentences. Questions Answers 1. What is the first convergence and how did the 10 flatteners make it possible? The first convergence started in the year of 2000, where all of the ten flatteners started to converge and work together in and that created a new flatter global playing field. 2. What is the second convergence? Discuss one company from the book that has adapted to the change brought on by this convergence. The second convergence is where the new playing field became established, …show more content…
According to Friedman, why are people in India, China, and the former Soviet Union so hungry to get ahead? What are zippies? China, India, former Soviet Union: most important force shaping global economics and politics in the early twenty-first century is giving so many people access to all these tools of collaboration. Zippies are the huge cohort of Indian youth who are the first to come of age since India shifted away from socialism and dived headfirst into global trade and the information revolution by turning itself into the world's service center. 5. How has Boeing transformed its company during the triple convergence to make planes more efficiently? Boeing transformed its company during the triple convergence by using engineers and scientists he found in a small company, who once worked on MIG’S, to help design its next generation of passenger planes. 6. According to Friedman, why did most people in the US and Europe miss the triple convergence? Although something big such as this was happening, most people in US and Europe missed the triple convergence because it simply was not part of public discourse in America or Europe. The government did not make an effort of making it a public a fact. 7. What is the triple
I am the Project Manager developing the Boeing 787 Dreamliner. The development of this state-of-the-art airplane will include an international team of aerospace companies led by Boeing. The advances in this airplane will reduce the use of fuel by 20%, increase cargo capacity, increase nautical miles in a mid-range airplane, and improve passenger comfort. Boeing
*If you go through each item on this study guide and read about it on the REFerenced page and corresponding TOPic in your text, you should have an excellent study guide for the Final Exam. If you do not do this, you will likely fail this exam miserably!
Answer all the questions (except the ones in grey) in full sentences in your workbook after you have read the chapter. Please note that the page numbers given are for a different edition of the novel.
Refer as needed to material in Chapters 12 and 13. Read the instructions carefully and answer all questions clearly and concisely. Include examples to highlight your comments.
Directions: Read the captioned book. Then answer the questions contained in this study guide. Post your completed document to the appropriate assignment box on the course website.
In the technological risk was that is the customers were involved in design and development of the Boeing 767, they would gain from much greater involution and feedback from users of the aircraft. In the very new airplanes they are first to tested then to implement the designed. These tested approved the safety test in the laboratories and too much used of computer they are useful in techniques. For the last project they learnt many of lessons which are not used in the 767 product airline. This airline is much better than the competition promotes.
Boeing adopted the radical change approach for designing and developing the 787 Dreamliner not only to attempt to create new aircraft through the innovative design and advanced material, but it also drastically changed the production process. With a $10 billion dollar project in mind, the goal was to reduce the financial risks involved as well as the new product development cycle time. Meanwhile, Boeing produced a remarkably complicated supply chain that included greater than fifty partners in over 100 locations all across the globe. In addition to the complicated supply chain, they experimented with various firms in diverse areas to align complementary skill sets. Furthermore, this was the first time the company outsourced the two most crucial parts of the plane, the wings and the fuselage.
1. How would you describe Boeing’s approach to project management? What are its strengths and weaknesses?
After reading the course resources, answer questions 1-10. (10 points each) Please take time to answer each question completely.
1. What factors contribute to the rapid pace of change in business? Is the pace likely to accelerate or decrease over the next decade? Why?
In 2000, Airbus Industrie’s Supervisory Board was making the biggest decision in the company history: whether Airbus should commit to develop world’s largest jumbo jet. At that time, there are only two major commercial jets manufactory companies: the younger Airbus and the bigger Boeing. Boeing had been at the forefront of civil aviation for over half century. Airbus was founded in 1970as a consortium and merged into a new company known as European Aeronautic Defense and Space Company. Airbus developed “fly-by-wire” technology and “cross crew qualification” technology to compete with Boeing in large jets (those with 70 or more seats) market. While Airbus was booked more than
This paper of Philip Condit and the Development of the 777; describes the management, and technological changes that Philip Condit made to the development style of the Boeing Company. Before Philip Condit took over the 777 program, Boeing had been making airplanes in the same fashion as it had been doing for 70 years prior. Mr. Condit saw the chance to bring Boeing into the 21st century not only with the new technology of computer aided drafting, but with modern management techniques as well. The 777 program proved to be the perfect testing ground for a companywide change in the way Boeing did its business.
With the company being in the public eye at all times the planners must determine where, when, and how the product will be used before they begin building, testing, and using the new technologies. Since Boeing has become such a large company it has had to continuously evaluating the way it does things to make sure that they are doing the right thing.
Boeing pursues Product Differentiation strategy in order to create competitive advantage over Airbus. Boeing differentiates its products by increasing number of seating capacity, engine capacity, innovating new winglet designs and by manufacturing wide range of products in respect to the change in market
In this chapter, Thomas Friedman looks at how cultures and societies will have to deal with and adapt to the changes that globalization brings to the way of doing business. It affects whole companies and individuals. He gives the perception of the world is flattening by comparing the Industrial Revolution to the IT Revolution that is happening right now. The flattening process was identified by Karl Marx and Frederich Engels in the Communist Manifesto, published in 1848. Marx’s writings about capitalism state “the inexorable march of technology and capital to remove all barriers, boundaries, frictions, and restraints to global commerce (Friedman 234).”