
The World Of Science : Genetically Modified Organisms

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Pegasus Act In the world of science, Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are a great accomplishment. Being of great significance to the scientific community, GMOs are organisms that have been genetically modified for unhealthy purposes. Based on substantiated research, government officials should enact legislation that prohibits the use and sale of genetically modified salmon in the United States. Not only should salmon be rejected and contained, but all transgenic organisms should not be let out without proper government research and consent of the public. The people have the determining factor and decision, and currently, the general public is not in favor of genetically modified organisms. Expectation of rejection is in the future, and with right cause. As the public has brought to light, transgenic animals bring about sickness and drastic illness. Through changing the genetics and mixing the DNA of organisms, science has created some foods whose ingredients are uncertain. The amazing creation that God has given to us to command and take care of has been altered and changed from what the Lord had made, which His Word says is perfect. Therefore, why should it be changed or modified? Generally raised in hatchery environments, GMO salmon, also known as AquAdvantage salmon, will pose a risk to other fish and their respective food chains when combined. AquAdvantage salmon are genetically modified to grow more rapidly than wild salmon, which changes their life span. Natural

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