
The World 's Total Freshwater Essay

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Introduction: Roughly two-thirds of the world’s population is expected to face water shortages within the next nine years (Hanjra & Qureshi, 2010). This is likely to be the cause of conflicts and tensions between many nations, especially with the growing population, as water is a basic life necessity. To put the situation in perspective, a mere 2.5 percent of the world’s water supply is actually freshwater, and only about one percent is accessible for human use (Postel, Daily & Ehrlich, 1996). In addition, this water is not evenly distributed, with some countries possessing significantly more than others. Canada is extremely fortunate in this matter, as it holds roughly 20 percent of the world’s total freshwater (Environment Canada, 2015). This puts it at a huge advantage in the coming years. Not all countries are as lucky. For instance, many states in America, such as California, are experiencing serious drought. Many believe that this puts Canadians in a good position to sell freshwater for profit. Arguably, it would be a huge financial advantage for Canada, while simultaneously ending the American water crisis. Despite the possible economic benefits, Canada should not sell its freshwater to the United States, as it ignores Canadians in similar situations, supports unsustainable American practices, has negative implications for the surrounding ecosystems, and ignores the impact of climate change.
Canadian Water Crisis: To start, Canada should not sell its freshwater

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