
The World´s Demand of Fossil Fuels

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The world’s demand of fossil fuels is slowly diminishing by the growing use of biofuels. May it be ethanol or biodiesel its one step closer to a greener earth. From peanut oil to bark, science is being done to convert plants into energy.
Creation of Biofuel Some might think that biofuels are new but they have been in use ever since man discovered fire. Wood is a solid biofuel used for cooking and heating. The types of biofuels are solid gas and liquid. The most common is liquid made popular by the automobile industry as a source of fuel. Biofuel is a fuel that contained energy from once living organisms. Biofuel is created by biomass conversion. Biomass is recently deceased organisms. These recently deceased organisms are converted into a substance called biomass that contains the energy. The biomass will be converted into a fuel using one of these methods: thermal conversion, chemical conversion and biochemical conversion. Thermal conversion is also known as thermal depolymerization, a process using high heat to produce biofuel. Chemical conversion uses various chemicals to produce biofuel. Finally, biochemical conversion uses enzymes, microbes, and catalysts to make biofuel.
Generations of Biofuel The two generations of biofuels. The first generation is commonly known as biofuels made from sugar, starch or vegetable oil. These would be ethanol, biodiesel, methanol, butanol, green diesel, vegetable oil, biogas and syngas. Second gen biofuels are also known as

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