Tissues boxes, and powerade bottles cover my floor as I lie in my bed wishing it would be over. It hurts to move and even worse when I try to lay on my left side, I hate having to bear through the pain but, I had no choice. Most kids would like to stay home from school every once in a while maybe because they don’t want to go to school or because they’re sick. Some would pay to be sick and stay home a day or two but, me on the other hand I can’t just stay a day or two; I usually stay weeks because I always have it bad but this year had to be the worst time of my life. Every year it would always come in the winter time, the worst time to be sick honestly. The coughing always comes first I usually don’t think nothing of it but then I receive a stuffy nose that finds its way to make me sneeze and sound congested. However, the last time I got sick was a little bit more than an average cold. It was Late January early February, I started to get the simple signs of a cold right after basketball season. I stayed home just one day since my body started to ache with every moment I made. I went back to school but my health was just getting worse and worse every day I went to school. After that my mom thought it was probably the flu or maybe strep throat so I went to the doctor that following week hoping we could get the answer to our questions. When I went to the doctors they called me back so they could run all the possible test of viruses I could possibly have. They ran two tests
At the start of the 1830s Native Americans vastly populated the areas of Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, North Carolina and Florida.1 Although, because of Americans wanting the land for their own crop growing and Jackson idea of a perfect nation thousands of Indians were removed from the area they called home.3 Flashback to the year 1830, after being elected in the year 1828 President Andre Jackson made a commitment to remove all Indians in the east and south, and in the year 1830 congress passed the Indian Removal Act.4 The Indian nations of the Choctaws, Creeks, Chickasaws and Seminoles were forced to leave their lands, but none of these tribes were hit as hard as the Cherokee Nation.4 The Cherokee Nation refusing to give
As we head into the fall, that also means that we're headed for cold and flu season. Being sick is terrible and disruptive to both your personal and work life and catching an illness could mean it ransacking your entire family.
Would you ever do something that you weren't supposed to do but you still did it to honor your orders? That what happened with the “Six Hundred”. They rode on horseback into “The Valley of Death” for a half league. They were obeying a command to charge the enemy forces that seized their guns. Even though it wasn't their post they were obeying orders and they went on with the battle.
A few months ago, I was just beginning the second semester of my junior year and I felt like I was living the life. I had a reliable car, a loving family, and a great group of friends who had my back. However, in late January of that year, my little brother suffered a medical emergency that tested me and my strength as well as that of
It’s October of your fifth grade year, at the end of the day. You’ve gotten back into the swing of things, your teacher is awesome, and you’re at the top of the elementary school food chain. You’re about to walk outside. The weather is beautiful; the trees are still mostly green with a few ambitious leaves already changing color. The sky is blue and the sun is shining in the way it only does during fall. You’re going to remember how it felt to walk across the parking lot on that day for a long time. You’re happy, like you normally are when you leave school, and you get in the car. That’s when Mom tells you your little brother has cancer.
I think many can testify to being guilty of brushing off symptoms like a stuffy nose, and the feeling of fatigue as the common cold, treatable by over the counter drugs. We tend to ignore these minor signs of what could possibly be a very dangerous and severe viral infection, this respiratory infection being the influenza virus. Flu activity most often appears between the months of February and May, leading many to believe their symptoms might be caused by allergies. Although symptoms are very similar, the flu can cause epidemics with the deadly outcomes, as the common cold is just a nuisance for us.
Freshman year could definitely be the worst year of High School when it comes to your social life. This is the year where you can expand your friends to more than just people in your grade. This year is also a sad year because it is when you find out who your real friends are. High School is all about gaining new friends and losing what you thought were your friends. When I started my freshman year all I heard when I started was that your real friends will show and you fake friends will vanish. In my case this did not happen. Yes, when I got into Highschool I did grow farther apart to some of my friends, but I would never say that they have vanished from my life or anything like that.
It's been two weeks since my grandkids left and I'm already feeling sick. I have to carry the tradition of passing the medicine down to the man of the family, Martin. I have shoved $100 into my boots for my funeral costs. I check to make sure I have all of my stuff and I set out to the nearest bus station. It was a long, Grueling, Two day bus ride to Iowa. But it was all worth it in the end.
Influenza usually spreads around the United States every winter, usually between October and May. It is characterized by a sudden onset of a high fever, headache, cough, sore throat, muscle or body aches, runny or stuffy nose, and fatigue. Most people recover within one to two weeks without requiring any medical treatment. Unlike a cold, the flu comes on more suddenly and usually lasts longer. Most people can get sick with influenza several times during their lives.
Summer vacation, and school ends for about three months, and then you have as much fun as you can, then back to school… right? Well I had to go to summer school, but it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Everything was going fine, I had a job after summer school, and that was going fine as well. They say that summer is supposed to be fun and exciting, and it usually is for me and my family. However in July my father started coughing up blood. My father usually doesn’t make it his top priority to go to the doctors, so he waited about four weeks until he really didn’t feel good.
Influenza is caused by several viruses known as the A, B and C virus. Sickest will you do if you suffer from the A or B virus, while type C only provides easier flu symptoms. Flu season lasts from mid-December to mid-March. About every 3-4 years is usually a flu outbreak that allows many more suffer and may become seriously ill. Influenza can cause pneumonia.
Smile, happy thoughts, keep your head held high, breathe, that way no one will see your pain. I say this to myself, while I look in the mirror. I run my hand through my short damp hair and finish drying myself, it is 6:30 A.M. and I have about thirty minutes to get ready for school. I hate school, I hate the concept of being told stuff that honestly will serve no purpose in my life. The social suicide and anxiety that comes with school does nothing but drive me to insanity. Suddenly I hear a knock on my door I put on a shirt and finish pulling up my pants as I 'm walking to my door. I open it see my little sister smiling at me telling me it 's time for me to go, she hands me a protein shake and my car keys. I run back in my room grab
The year of 2014 was probably one of the craziest times of my life. I never thought things would go this way. I thought I was going to be living life with my papaw by my side for a long time. I never thought he would just go away so randomly. There were no warning signs, nothing. To this day I still think about everything that happened. I can’t believe he was taken so soon. I realize that God was calling his name, and that it was his time to go. We had so many good memories together, and I wouldn’t trade that for the world. He was the best papaw I have ever had, and it sucks that he is gone.
In conclusion, My brother had a rough time getting past his illness and he had to stay home from school. But, we knew that he would get better the whole time. Now he is a lot healthier and he has regained all of the weight he had lost. The reason I am writing this is because you should take everything a little bit
There is one undeniable fact of life; if you are human, you will get sick. This last week of college has been a trying time for me. After the first two weeks of college having gone with out a hitch, I should have guessed something bad was coming. I managed to get sick, in fact, I have never felt so terrible in my life. My throat was swollen, to the point I could not swallow, my stomach felt as if it were reenacting World War I, and I was over all physically drained. Yet, regardless of how poorly I felt, the world moves on. Everything from, extracurricular activities, classes, my study plan, and life in general, continues to march on in sickness and in health.