Purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus) has been called the worst weed in the world. It can survive the highest temperature and can grow in all types of soil known in agriculture. It is considered as a problem by farmers because of its menacing, quick growth in gardens and fields. Purple nutsedge is hard to manage once it is established because it produces an extensive system of underground tubers from which they can generate. It greatly impacts agriculture and has unfavorable effects on natural ecosystem.
Purple nutsedge is perennial, colonial, and herbaceous with fibrous roots that grow from 7-40 cm tall and reproduced extensively by tubers and rhizomes. The tubers located several inches deep in the soil profile are protected from lethal temperatures, and its deep fibrous system keeps the tubers hydrated. These tubers can survive for 1-3 years. When flooding,
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The common methods used to manage weeds include prevention and cultural, mechanical, biological, and chemical means. Herbicides can be defined as crop- protecting chemicals used to kill weedy plants or interrupt normal plant growth. Herbicides provide a convenient, economical, and effective way to help manage weeds. They allow fields to be planted with less tillage, allow earlier planting dates, and provide additional time to perform the other tasks that farm or personal life require. Due to reduced tillage, soil erosion has been reduced from about 3.5 billion tons in 1938 to one billion tons in 1997, thus reducing soil from entering waterways and decreasing the quality of the nation’s surface water. Without herbicide use, no-till agriculture becomes impossible. However, herbicide use also carries risks that include environmental, ecological, and human health effects. It is important to understand both the benefits and disadvantages associated with chemical weed control before selecting the appropriate
With government approval, certain beetles have been used to help reduce the number of Purple Loosestrife. Hylobius Transrersovitiatus and Nanophyes Marmoratus are a weevil that lays larvae and adults feed on the Purple Loosestrife roots, along with the Galerucella Pusilla and Galerucella Calmariensis, which are types of beetles that feed on its foliage and flowers. These beetles and weevils have reduced the Purple Loosestrife by at least ninety percent, but for large areas infested by the Purple Loosestrife, herbicidal is required for removal. The only problem with the chemicals used is that it can cause nearby plants to dye. Over a period of several years, the chemicals can reduce to only small areas being infested by the Purple Loosestrife, which promotes other plants to reappear. The Triclopyr and Imazapyr is a chemical used and is
There are not many workers to cut acres full weeds to make the farm look organized. So to fix the solution, farmers use chemicals to kill the weeds. This solution makes it easier for the farmers to use because the process is fast. Another problem is that there are pest such as rats, birds, and other creatures that ruins farmers product. Pest tends to enter the farm and eat the products and will come back for more. Pest can also enter the farm and ruin the farm. Killing or removing the pest is the only way to fix the solution. But removing one by one is difficult. Using chemical to remove all the pest is the best way. Same method goes to removing all the insects and bugs. Insects and bugs are feeding on vegetables and fruits. Insect and bugs can ruin vegetable and fruits because when they are feeding on the product they tend to ruin the quality of the product. No one is going to buy a lettuce that is eaten by insects or fruits that has black spots. This causes the increases of all the products from being
With environmental concerns garnering increased international publicity and concern, the debate over no-till or conventional tillage farming has escalated to a heated argument. No-till farming entered the debate over organic versus traditional farming in the past few decades as a possible solution to the issues of erosion, runoff, and pollution, but the downside of additional herbicides scared many from the plow-free farm model. With strong opposition on both sides, no-till farming has seen greatly variable levels of acceptance worldwide. This complex issue seems to somewhat boil down to the concerns over herbicides. Their profound impacts on health, economy, and the environment make them highly controversial. Perhaps both sides of the debate could be satisfied by implementation of recent research in regenerative, organic no-till agriculture and by use of tax credits as an economic cushion for new no-till farmers, like those used in Australia.
This suggests that the roadsides was once beautiful and bloomed with healthy and lively vegetation; however, they are now destroyed due to the use of pesticides. From these examples, it can be shown that even though pesticide is beneficial, its deadly effects outweigh its benefits; in addition, it is a dangerous substances to the environment, organisms, and even human.
Acroptilon repens (Russian Knapweed) is a noxious weed in quite a few states, including Utah and Idaho. This weed causes many different problems for farmers and ranchers because it is a pasture/range weed. There have been studies done to find the best sources of control. Many of these studies have spanned for a long time. Management practices vary by region and there is a lot of discussion about which management practice is the best for this fast spreading weed. Because there have been many research projects about this particular weed they have been able to successfully come up with multiple chemical treatments that work to control it. There are still other control methods that should be considered because of the fact that chemicals are not always the best option for everyone. This paper will look into Russian Knapweed, its characteristics, and the different methods of control that have been tried in past years.
I don’t think that this will be very good for our environment. All of those chemicals are also dangerous for humans and animals. Consequently, the weeds will eventually grow resistance to these chemicals too. This is why we need to find another way to prevent weed infestations safely. There are multiple ways to prevent weeds such as, corn starch based film or paper mulch to help prevent weeds from growing. Another way is called cover cropping, this is a method where farmers grow other crops in between the rows such a clover and alfalfa that become living mulch and recycle nutrients back into the soil as they
Companies and researchers alternate the genetic structure of crops to withstand pesticides, non-GM weeds and insects can gradually develop a resistance to the chemicals. At this point farmers actually have to increase their use of pesticides. These practice causes weed populations to adapt to the herbicide and eventually become resistant to it. Once these superweeds emerge farmers must find a new herbicides and more potent products.
Herbicides and pesticides are not a natural way to achieve a beautiful lawn, contrary to what lawn care companies would like people to believe. They are broad-spectrum biocides, and by their very nature can harm organisms other than the targeted species (Dieglman, 1996).
Farmers have relied more and more on chemicals that are very effective in suppressing weeds.
I have read on what the organ state university article, Colorado department of Agriculture, and the USU education has argued on skeleton Weeds.
. How is sinsemilla grown, and why is its potency so much higher than that of commercial grade marijuana? Sinsemilla is considered the most potent type of marijuana on the illicit market (Lyman, 2014). Because of this reason, it is no surprise that it also brings the most revenue for drug traffickers. It is produced from unfertilized female cannabis plants in a growing area where the male cannabis plants are removed before pollination (Lyman, 2014)). As a result of marijuana being produced this way, I allows more flowers and resin. This is done as an attempt to attract male pollen. The reason this is done is because it is the resin and flowers that actually contain the most amounts of THC. The more THC that is contained, the more potent the marijuana is, thus making sinsemilla the most potent type of marijuana (Lyman, 2014). In the United States, Cannabis Indicia is grown. It is a high-grade strain of sinsemilla. This particular cannabis originated and was later imported to the United States from Afghanistan. It is also popular because it grows into a short, squatty plant that produces 1-2 pounds of buds per plant (Lyman, 2014). These buds contain high levels of THC and generally take 4-5 months to mature. Sinsemilla is more difficult to grow. This is because it requires more personal attention and takes longer time to cultivate. It is usually produced in doors so the growers can harvest all year. Growers use techniques such as cloning and hydroponics. Cloning involves
Many varieties of genetically engineered crops have been designed to decrease the need for chemicals, particularly pesticides. Herbicide-tolerant varieties are among the most widely used type of genetically-modified crop, which enables farmers to use a single herbicide to eradicate weeds rather than rely on a cocktail of pesticides and herbicides. Eliminating weeds in this fashion also decreases the need for soil tillage, which can negatively impact soil ecology. (Ford,
Although “Super Weeds” are indeed a problem human life must always be weighed above everything else, and with starvation remaining a major threat to the well being of millions of humans around the world “Super Weeds” are not
To prevent resistance to herbicide, farmers are required to vary herbicide use and practice crop rotations.
One concern about pesticides and herbicide usage is the amount of residues left on the end product of crops sprayed with the chemicals, and their effects on human health. (Williamson, 2007, p. 184). However, these effects are closely tested and levels are strictly regulated to ensure there is no danger from possible pesticide residues. Since 1910, many rules, regulations, and agencies have been formed to monitor the safety of the pesticides and herbicides used in conventional farming. These chemicals must meet specific safety standards in order to be registered for use, and regulations on levels of each product safe for use are also put in place. (Tafel et al.,2007, p.184). All pesticides are rigorously examined to ensure they have no significant effects on human health, or the environment. The residues in the food chain are closely monitored, and regularly tested, to ensure they are below legal limits. In a recent survey of residues