Reflecting back from the beginning of the semester, I can honestly say that I believed that I was already a really good writer. However, I have struggled with the thought of writing. Ever since I was little, I dreaded the thought of writing essays, but when it came down to get the job done I never struggled and always earned good grades. Up until around half way though this semester I still had this fear. I am thankful that this class has made me overcome the fear and thought of writing essays, even though when it was actually time for me to write them I did just fine. Throughout this semester I have mastered and learned the techniques of brainstorming, how to properly construct an outline, the different types of introductions, and much …show more content…
Something that has helped me a lot in the past was the concept of messy writing. I learned that I should create a word document on my laptop that no one will see and just ask questions that will help get the creative juices flowing. I also learned how to free write in this class. Free writing is great because it allows you to put down your initial thoughts on the topic without worrying about grammar, or spelling. You can just type away and get down all your thoughts, so later you can pull from that and have a plethora of sub-topics to choose from. Free writing helped me in my Truth Essay tremendously. It’s important to keep in mind that what makes it on the page is the very best of your writing skills, and a great way to accomplish that is to free write, and write down questions about the topic you have chosen. In today’s society finding true creditable sources are hard to come by. The media has its own way of twisting evidence to make readers believe that it’s true and reliable when in reality it’s based off of opinions and lies. During my years of school, I have continuously been told that Wikipedia was not a credible source, and that I wasn’t allowed to use it when researching my topics. This year I finally realized why. Sources play a significant role in the success of an essay. If you use unreliable sources, then your research paper is then deemed untrustworthy. Providing quotes and evidence makes your paper more
I have definitely learned a lot more from College Writing II than I thought I would have. When this class started, I was not excited, because I have never liked writing, and felt that I was not very good at it. Now it’s coming to an end and fast. I always enjoyed coming to class because it went by quickly and was never dull. It started with free writes to help with our fluency, to class discussions, peer editing, and having Dr. White revise our essays. All these of have helped me with the writing process and becoming a better writer.
A typical high-school student struggles in learning new concepts, in AP Language & Composition many students learn new challenging concepts which make the class difficult.
Completing freshman composition is one of the greatest accomplishments I have achieved throughout my high school career. I have experienced an immense amount of improvement on my writing as well as a huge deal of stress throughout the semester. In the past, writing was never one of my strong suits; however, I have learned quite a bit, for example, how to use semicolons, write with metacognition, and how to correctly do a works cited. During my time in this class, I have: reflected, set goals, learned the writing process, tracked my progress, and learned a huge deal about myself, life and college.
I recently read an article written by Neil L Waters called “Why You Can’t Cite Wikipedia in My Class”. The comment that Neil Waters made about how Wikipedia may lead to a citable source, is reason enough to use Wikipedia. Wikipedia itself is a website that can help with writing a paper and not hinder it. For example, when you are looking for information on Wikipedia it bluntly tells the reader that Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia which will allow anyone to edit or submit an article. Wikipedia is the largest and most known websites to obtain a reference from. Due to the fact that anyone can add what they assume is important makes the website credibility questionable. This is why most professors do not allow it as a reference when writing a paper. Neil wrote an article about why students were not allowed to use Wikipedia in his class. He stated his students are responsible for the accuracy of information they provide, and they cannot point to Wikipedia or any similar source that may appear in the future to escape the consequences of errors. He even went on the further explain that Wikipedia is not an acceptable citation, even though it may lead one to a suitable
Over the course of this semester I learned a lot about myself as a writer. This English 101 class has really allowed me to expand my essay structure and ways of thinking. This was my first college writing course and it has given me much more freedom when writing because in high school I felt limited and like what we were writing was not very important. In high school I would write essays to just to fulfill the required word or page count and to a degree I still feel like this but maybe that is why I am an engineering major but in this course I actually was able to express my ideas and for the first time really test the limits of my writing capabilities. I really enjoyed being able to incorporate my voice more in my essays and I believe
I struggled during the whole process of writing an essay. My biggest problem of all was putting my thoughts in order so I could make sense of what I wanted to say. I brainstorm for days trying to figure out a topic. With the help of the eLearning text information on module 2, how to choose a topic and developing a working thesis I started to write down some ideas. With the help of Module 3, Introduction to Narrative Essay, and the examples that were provided, I was able to start getting some ideas of what I wanted to write about. I finally came up with, Moving away
This semester was my very first semester as a college student. Being the first, it was probably the semester I would learn the most in. I learned the expectations for writing that I will have to live up to for the next four years of my college career. Though my high school teachers were usually demanding because I was in the Honors English section throughout high school, writing in college has still ?raised the bar? for me. Also, in high school, we would have weeks to pick a topic, create a thesis, outline the paper, write the paper, and then revise the paper. In college, the time restraints are not quite as lenient. I?ve had to learn to manage my time and be more productive with what free moments I
1. David’s primary purpose in sending a message is to inform the reader that the car company will not honour the customer’s claim. The writer’s priority is to inform the reader that the company would like to honour the claim, but point out that it could not happen because the warranty is expired.
When I was in high school I did a paper whether or not Wikipedia was a reliable source and why teachers would not let us use it. As I searched more places I found what I read in this book. Wikipedia was a site anyone can come in and edit and we cannot trust that. I believe most of what I read in the site was true but since anyone can write on it, it was not credible.
During this semester, I have strengthened my writing by trying new writing techniques, learning about purpose, and finding new ways of combating writers block. My first essay in this class was less focused then the essays I wrote later in
Writing used to be one of my strengths, but throughout my coursework in this semester, it was challenging to take the first step to approach my first draft. I was always taken a long time to think about the thesis and introduction because I personally felt both were very important for the entire essay in order to attract readers. Merely, I could not make my thesis clear and good as always. Therefore, I would get some inspiration from my friends or tutors, or watched drama and news; this would be my first step to write a first draft. Unlike in High School, we have assigned at least 1200 words essay, and greatly opened my mind to develop a deeper understanding of each topic. For my writing habit, when I first look at the topic, I would think about what professor taught us in class or search some websites for stimulating more inspiration. Especially working on critical response essay or opinion essay, these two types of essays were required to write an argument and to be more thoughtful. It is difficult to identity some controversy topics in my knowledge as an English learner. Although I have always been a thinker and I
Since Wikipedia began in 2006 it has not been viewed as an acceptable academic source by scholars. The information that is provided by the site is constantly being altered by people who are not experts in the field of study being contributed to. The open editing Wikipedia utilises makes the content unreliable and inaccurate as anyone can access the option to change the entries sometimes going undetected for years which makes it a high risk for sourcing in an essay. An example of this is when a university student created a page stating that he was the mayor of a small town in China. This article remained on the site for over four years before being discovered by a contributor who found this experiment on a Harvard Guide web page.
Writing a paper on the writing process is pretty hard. The writing process is different from one person to another. You come across questions like, 'What exactly is the writing process?'; and 'Must you follow one persons writing process if yours is different?'; This is where I came across the answer to my questions, write however you wish to write. If one person likes free write first and another person likes to write a draft first, let them do how they please.
As the semester comes to a close, it is always interesting to look back and reflect on the events and opportunities my English class has given me throughout my first semester as a whole. At the beginning of this semester it was evident that I was feeling uncomfortable due to the adjustment that I was going through as a student moving to college. It was very difficult expressing myself through my writing since I was nervous about good impressions and my good grade. While this class was one of the most difficult courses that I have taken this far, it has become quite evident to me that I have grown a substantial amount as a writer and as a person; Especially, when it came to explaining my ideas, writing academic essays, and making arguments.
When I was a freshman in high school, I received a Young Talent Award in writing. The award was