Writing is a big role in a nursing career. Nurses have to communicate efficiently to document or relay information. Learning to write well is an essential skill for nurses because it is vital to show evidence for the critical thinking process. Some of the writing qualities nurses have to exhume are to be clear in documentation for description and thought process skills. Also organize timeline of events for electronic chart records. Nurses have to accurately document with using correct spelling and grammar. Also need to be thorough and complete. This is my driver to learn how to write effectively because of my career. A pivotal moment in my development as a writer is Azusa Pacific University’s English class. College English class is building …show more content…
Acknowledging what we know about writing and laying out there. Then the next lesson was to identify the “Writing Process”. I dreaded English class in particularly because of my past academic experience in English and I did not know where I stand as a writer in the academic world. Also I was not mentally prepared before to go through educational journey in general. It was humorous to me in the opening of the pod cast script as it talked about beginning process of “100 hours later” and the number of excuses to avoid writing. I found it funny because it is like being in a roller coaster and actually taking English class is at the top of the hill ready to take off with no return. Then English class talked about the type of academic papers. I find this useful also writing in the nursing practice. The four genres types of assignment a paper can be categorized in can also be the type of writing useful in my career. Narrative writing in nursing can be used in “patient’s perspective report ( ) Expository writing can be used in nursing research setting. Persuasive and argumentative writing can be used while writing reports, presentation, or emails in the nursing …show more content…
The discussions also talked about the sources strengths and weakness. I have been able to use the suggested sources such as purdue owl, Azusa pacific writing center, and tutor.com. I found most of these sources helpful as a foundation to my writing process. My favorite part of the English class is the lesson of audience. Before the actual writing process I as a writer must contemplate who is my readers and what does my reader wants from my writing. “Keeping your audience in mind in the writing process can make good decisions about what materials to include, how to organize ideas, and how best to support your argument” ( ) Also identify the occasion or the setting event of the audience you are capturing. Then college English class talked about the heart of the writing process, Prewriting. English class exposed me to different process of prewriting of such as brainstorming, freewriting, clustering,mind mapping, asking question, and outline. It is the structure of a well composed essay. Then moreover disussed thesis and topic sentences development to identify the main idea of the
Dez' Janani Mangram is currently a freshman enrolled at Clayton State University working hard on her BA degree in Biology to become a surgeon. She has never been a huge fan of writing, but coming to college has helped her gain more knowledge on how essays should be organized and constructed. She has written many essays and reports since coming to Clayton State, she plans on writing many more reports as she further her medical career. In the future she plans on using writing as way to distribute out patients medicine, and write down signs and symptoms of a patient. She feels that writing is important in the medical field because just one little mistake you make writing down someone prescription can cause epic problems in their
Communication in writing skills for the past six weeks were standards information on different sorts of sources for rapidly flowing needs of today’s writers. This form of writing shows the role of strategies in writing on subjects. It demonstrated contracts between oral communication and written communication. The main ideas in this course discovery, objectives, critical thinking, and tension, valuing course resources time management, and cooperating with others (Giordano 2012). However, the skills for effective writing produce volumes of master’s level for the required resources in this way.
Written Communication Skills for Nurses: Written communication plays a vital role in healthcare settings because it provides the facility with a permanent record of the residents and their care plans. Flym stated as a nurse written
During the transition from a high school writer to a collegiate writer, my strength at understanding the basic principles of
Writing is a practice that most of us were taught when we were young. We were taught the basics of grammar, how to form a sentence, conjunction words, how to write paragraphs and more. Although we have learned this skill while growing up and have used the skill every year after entering kindergarten, this does not mean our writing process will ensure the best work. The authors that I chose each encourage their audience to excel in the art of writing in their own way to help with the writing process.
I am writing this because it is probably the only time in all of my academic writing where I felt I could just be honest.
After writing these few essays, I understand that there are multiple ways I could have improved when in the process of writing. For example, I could have used more quotes to help solidify my writing and support some of my arguments more, I also could have brought in my experiences with history within school and maybe what I was taught about the Cold War, and lastly I think I could explain some of the major leaders better when using for my argument. Having prior knowledge about this topic would probably be the best way to prepare to revise these several essays that I have written.
Over the past four months, I have made great strides as a writer. The area where I have seen the most growth is in my use of the writing process. Prior to my enrollment in this course, I would sit down and write all my papers in one sitting. This class has taught me how to lay out a plan for my papers. I have learned how to effectively brainstorm/research, draft, and revise my writings before I complete them. Also I have learned to not just stop there, instead I am now going back and reflecting on my work after I complete it. This allows me to identify where I prospered and also where my downfalls may have been. With this information, I am able to apply this to future writings of mine; lessons that will stay with me forever.
The two articles reviewed for this paper examined how and why educators should incorporate professional writing skills into baccalaureate nursing curricula. Hunker, Gazza, and Shellenbarger (2014) developed knowledge, skill, and attitude (KSA) sets for guiding student writing development. They believe that effectively teaching professional writing presents a challenge because of the complex and emotional nature of the process. Students need to value high quality scholarly writing and advancing nursing as science if
I have always had a trouble in writing and after taking this GSW course I feel much more confident in my writing abilities and have learned many skills that I will always be able to use in my writing. I feel that over the course of this writing class that I have learned a lot of useful information and have grown as a writer. I have learned many skills that have improved my writing from the sources I use to the styles I write into using visuals in my papers. I have also improved my writing process. I go through many more steps to make sure my writing is to its best. I use more than just myself in my writing process I use others to help me and give me feedback on how I can improve even more on my writing. I have made a huge change in my writing
When I first heard the topic of my writing assignment, I was really surprised. I’ve never been asked to write about reflecting on or evaluating my writing process before entering this university. Although my homeland is in Thailand and the way of teaching differs greatly from Korea, there are some common aspects that affected my writing process. In addition, the knowing what is right and wrong about the process of writing is fundamental to create a finalized paper.
I have never been an excellent student and perennially struggled with English, Math, and Science growing up. These subjects would cast a pall over my day and school work. Anxiety would well up inside of me which often resulted with me passed out across my desk sleeping through parts of class. When I would return home at day’s end, I rarely completed my homework. When I did try to complete homework, it often ended in tears of frustration or the hurling of a book across the room. Taking this class has helped to quell a portion of that anxiety and frustration. It was a grueling class, seemingly impossible at times, but taking this class has given me the confidence to know that not only can I finish the class if I work hard but can also excel! Writing is something that I will exercise throughout my college curriculum and my life. It will help to convey my ideas to the instructor, peers, bosses, and co-workers. In my college curriculum, it will also show my instructors that I’m learning the information provided and how to apply that knowledge appropriately. It will allow me to complete assignments, discussions, and reports, and I will also apply writing in basic communication when necessary.
This semester I was surprised by how much I actually learned and developed my writing skills. I was given the opportunity to learn the many steps that it is required to become a good writer. Writing requires a lot of work. It consists of various steps; prewriting, drafting, rewriting, proofreading and publishing. . All of these components are extremely important, and necessary, and will need to be follow to improve student’s writing.
Scores of composition instructors agree that writing should be taught as a recursive process, rather than a liner process, and they also agree that most writers employ certain writing strategies as they produce drafts. Sandra Perl’s article, Understanding Composing” shares these beliefs because she states: “writing does appear to be recursive, yet the parts that recur seem to vary from writer to writer and from topic to topic” (142). Perl explains that throughout the writing process, writers employ a “forward-moving action that exists by virtue of
As nurses, one of the most important parts of our job includes our documentation. Documentation must be clear, concise, timely, and able to show the care provided for each patient with a few small clicks. After reading the different articles on professional and scholarly writing these experiences nurses deal with need to be shared. These stories are meant to educate, whether that be on a positive or negative outcome. Writing within nursing never seemed like an important staple of the career. When reflecting on myself as a writer professionally emailing superiors and co-workers is a strong skill. Charting on the job is rigorous—being young and growing up with technology makes this fast and time efficient. Furthermore, when writing papers the famous “writers block” tends to get in the way. Writing becomes frustrating after several attempts to continue a paper. Stepping away from the assignment for longer period of time helps to clear my head.