Many people today receive mail in various of ways. Today, many people receive mail by phone or computer, but most of us get our mail by letter/card and people believe that the mail is a piece of paper in an envelope that’s harmless and safe to handle However, in 2001, there was a mysteries anthrax attack by mail which scared tons of people in Trenton, New Jersey because it happened a week after the 9/11 plane crashing in the twin towers killing tons of innocent people. This attack was terrifying to civilians who lost their loved ones in the attack on September 11, 2001 because they were afraid that this situation was another attack on America. Unfortunately, 5 people were killed and and another 15 were poisoned from the attrax traced letters that were delivered the victims. This attack made numerous amount of people speculated an American biologist Bruce Edwards Ivins due to the fact that he worked with anthrax for several years and had suicidal thoughts toward him and women frequently and depressed. Other people question an American physician Steven Hatfill due to the fact that he made frequent visits to Fort Detrick which was an American installation and was the center of the U.S. biological weapons program. But one suspect that plenty of humans thought to …show more content…
In the article “The Wrong Man,” it stated “Reports said that Ivins harbored homicidal urges, especially toward women.” This goes to shows that there is a possibility that his suicidal feeling toward people and himself may have triggered to come with this terrible idea of killing people by mail and putting them in mail killing the innocent people and later kill himself. This makes Invins a high possible candidate for one of the people that caused the attack because maybe just maybe he would have thought of his “great” plan was to poison and kill
Defence, U. D. (2016, 01 15). News Transcript - Department of Defense Press Briefing by Army Officials in the Pentagon Briefing Room on the Investigation into the Inadvertent Shipment from Dugway Proving Ground of Live Anthrax Spores. Retrieved from U.S. Department of Defence:
In “It’s time to make it harder to get dangerous drugs through the mail,” Michael McCaul, a Republican chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security, proclaims that, “lawmakers failed to act to close a major entry point for… drugs into the United States: the global postal system.” McCaul reinforces his claim through the federal law enforcement agencies’ inefficient system in which they’re, “forced to manually screen millions….of postal parcels in an attempt to intercept these deadly drugs,” he further develops his claim with the poorly constructed Trade Act of 2002 that aspired to make, ”advanced manifest data accompany packages coming into the United States,” but instead resulted in granting the Department of Homeland Security and
Zamosky, L. (2011, September 05). A legacy of illnesses from 9/11. Retrieved June 10, 2016,
Great post this week, it was very interesting. Sarin has been used by many terrorist organizations in the past, an example was in 1995 by the cult Aum Shinrikyo (History, 2010). Members of the Aum Shinrikyo released sarin gas at a crowded subway station in Tokyo, this was not suicide terrorism since the terrorists took sarin antidotes prior to releasing the sarin gas so that they would not be affected by the gas and be able to escape (History, 2010). Although the terrorist group did some mistakes in regards to how they made the sarin gas and how they released it, the terrorist still managed to kill twelve people and over 5000 people had to received medical treatment (History, 2010). A sarin attack in the United States could be very tragic,
Shortly after the horrifying terrorist attack of 9/11 on the United States, the country was hit with a bioterrorist attack called Anthrax. This agent is extremely dangerous and was a serious threat to the government and country. Anthrax spores are typically found in nature and can last for a long time in the environment when produced in a lab. These spores are known as the silent killer because they can be released without anyone knowing, and can be placed in multiple places such as in food and water. The spores are extremely small and hard to detect.
America’s paranoia is misplaced. Since the onset of the Cold War, Americans have feared and prepared for a nuclear attack. However, less attention has been paid to relatively more feasible threats: biological and chemical weapons. It is without a doubt nuclear weapons, if ever used could inflict an unparalleled level of damage. However, the likelihood of a biological or chemical attack on US citizens is greater. The mutual deterrence of the United State’s second-strike capability makes a nuclear attack against Americans unlikely. Meanwhile Chemical and biological are widespread and accessible to sub national actors who are not deterred from attacking by American nuclear and conventional forces. Both chemical and biological weapons present are
It is the year 2018. The future that once looked bright is now filled with devastation. Two years ago a small pox epidemic swept through the United States in the worst act of terrorism we have ever seen. Due to the belief small pox was gone for good, children were no longer vaccinated. If only we knew the enemy was manufacturing this virus as a lethal weapon to be unleashed in the United States. I do not think even the enemy had any idea of the magnitude of death and destruction such a simple virus could cause. The first wave killed 40% of the eastern coast. As it swept across our nation, the main toll was children’s lives. Many who survived were
Like every other morning, Thomas Morris, Jr. arrived at the Brentwood mail center in Washington, D.C on October 13. He began sorting letters and packages, fulfilling his duties as a postal worker for the United States Postal Service. Nothing seemed strange or dangerous. That night, Morris, Jr. went to his home and performed his nightly routine. On October 18, Morris began to feel ill, as if he had the flu. He visited his doctor’s office, and told his doctor he had been exposed to anthrax at work. His doctor was told by the State Department of Health that mail workers were not at risk for an anthrax infection. No antibiotics were prescribed and Morris was send home
The U. S. Postal Service has the ability to remind people everyday of past events and influential people through the images on postage stamps. September 11th was by far the worst day in American history and through devastation, people came together to show support for the victims, devastated families and first responders. The sense of loss was national and reminds a constant reminder of America’s ability to stand together in times of need. The U.S. Postal Service’s decision to depict September 11th on a postal stamp is effective choice for the company because it argues that people that America should remember September 11th and recognize that the firemen were the heroes of that day.
Terrorism and the United States A cloud of anthrax spores looming in the sky of San Diego California
Second, the new era requires public officials to use great care in this business of issuing frequent, unspecific warnings. It's no wonder the public fears more terror attacks. A poll published in USA Today found that up to 83 percent of Americans expect a terrorist attack of some sort in the next 12 months. This is the fear below the surface that is gnawing at all of us. We are all ready to brace ourselves, take precautions, be vigilant. But how can ordinary citizens deal with invisible microscopic bacteria delivered in the most innocuous way? Willy-nilly, we must look to government.
It is estimated 22 million former, current military, Department of Defense Civilian, Intelligence, Foreign Service, and United States employees faithfully performed their Cold War duties and that aircraft that were shot down during the Cold War. These are estimates of Cold War Casualties: 400,000 were exposed to toxins, and 59% died due to exposure. A Department of Defense investigation reports 3,500+ United States Army personnel died of gunshot wounds, fragmentation & rocket propelled grenades, car & truck bomb blasts (1965-75; and numerous friendly fire incidents. Of 15 incidents involving U.S. Aircraft: 364 american pilots shot down, 187 recovered alive, 36 recovered dead, 123 pilots missing, 269 civilians missing, and the U.S. Government has not revealed their fates to their next of kin. And people who fought during the Cold War Era may have been exposed to a range of environmental and chemical hazards that carried potential health risks. Cold War Era (1945-1991). “But due to the particularities of polio, unique spaces of cooperation opened between antagonistic sides while Cold War concepts simultaneously influenced policies and practices of diseases prevention and treatment.” (The history of vaccines
As I wake from my deep sleep of twelve hours, I step out of bed and go about my daily summer routine. I wash my face and peruse through the fridge for something to eat; its noon, meaning the mail is in. I step out of the house to check the mailbox. I’ve always looked forward to receiving the mail, as most people do until they are old enough to pay the bills. I bring back the mail to the dining table as I commence to eat the leftover SPAM my mom cooked and hope for a magazine or catalog to look at. As I sift through the hoard of envelopes at my disposal, I sort them into their respective categories: “Bill, bill, junk mail, letter, junk mail, letter, catalog, bill,
For my Enrich activity I decided to study the work of Louis Pasteur. He discovered a bacterial vaccination for Anthrax. Anthrax is a disease that can cause problems with the skin and also pneumonia. I learned that Louis Pasteur was known for carrying out his experiments with public trials. Anthrax was a growing concern in animals and was able to spread to humans. As with any disease, it is important to be able to stop it or help it. That was the motivation for this discovery. Some of the questions asked in this experiment were if it were effective and/or safe. It still hasn’t been proving. The significance of the discovery was massive. The population was being wiped out through the postal system. If this vaccination wasn’t ever discovered,
Anthrax is most commonly known as the 2001 “Bioterror” attacks ( CDC, 2016). After 9/11 several letters tainted with Anthrax were sent out, infecting and killing several people in a matter of days. The word Anthrax derived from Greek word Anthrakos, that means coal. It is believed to have a history that stems from the book of Exodus 5th and 6th plagues. This story tells how Moses took soot and tossed it into the air. The dust covered all of Egypt and boils covered Pharoah’s animals and his people (Decker , 2003). Bacillus anthracis is the organism that causes anthrax. The spore-bearing bacillus can lay dormant in the soil for years or decades. In the soil is where the bacteria waits for a host to multiply and vegetate. Anthrax is mainly a disease of animals such as sheep, cattle, and goats. The animals would get infected when in contact with contaminated soil. Humans became infected, when in contact with the infected animals. In the late 19th century German Physician Robert Koch conducted an experiment proving that Anthrax was the cause of