XTL (Anything to Liquid) is recently emerging phrase that represented all of technologies intended to convert any source of carbon to liquid hydrocarbons. These processes have at least three main steps: syngas production, Fischer Tropsch Synthesis (FTS) and product finalizing. Syngas production might be different from feed and technology point of view and these differences affect all downstream units partially. In this step, source of carbon converted to syngas which is a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide. Origin of the letter X in the XTL phrase depends on this carbon source since B stands for Biomass, C for Coal (bituminous or non-bituminous), G for (natural) Gas and W for Waste (petrochemical wastes, worn automobile tires and …) …show more content…
Also it is comprehended by review of academic literatures such as articles and dissertations that GTL is more attractive than any other XTL technologies. Although pipeline is a routine method for transmission of natural gas in countries with huge amount of this wealth [10] but GTL also have its own value in monetizing natural gas source to easily vendible liquid hydrocarbons. So many of researches devoted to different fields of GTL process merely, beside those investigations on the common part of all XTL technologies such as FTS and syngas production. Amongst these fields, catalyst is the most attractive issue in different fields such as promoters and formulation [11, 12], support [13], preparation …, and both cobalt and iron catalysts are matter of investigation as well as other new catalysts.
Beside catalyst, reactor design is of high importance. There are different types of reactors for performing FTS such as multi-tubular fixed bed reactors (also named trickle bed reactor, developed by Shell), Slurry Bubble Column Reactors (or SBCR, developed by Sasol), Fluidized bed and circulating fluidized bed reactors (namely Synthol, invented by Kellogg and developed by Sasol) [9, 14, 15]. Although each reactor has it's own advantages, but ease of
The Economic Simplified Boiling Water Reactor (ESBWR) is the latest evolution of GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy 's proven advanced Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) technology. This simplified design provides better safety and plant security, a broad seismic design envelope, greater economy, and operational flexibility. The ESBWR is the safest current nuclear plant design, exceeding U.S. safety standards 100-fold and produces nearly zero greenhouse gas emissions.
Under the above assumptions (a-e), the mass balances for a steady-state counter current moving bed reactor can be stated as:
I will build upon the technical writing skills I learned in junior lab to write the assignments in this course. Knowledge from fluids, heat and mass, separations, reactors, and thermodynamics will all be used to design chemical processes. The basic box and arrow diagrams that were first learned in CHE211 will be expanded in this course to develop process flow diagrams. These skills will be used to meet the instructor’s goals of using compositions and flows to determine process equipment size, its corresponding cost, flow diagrams, and how to synthesize the
Over the years Brownsville, Texas has been in the process of industrializing and coming up with ideas to do so. Recently, Brownsville has proposed to build a Liquefied natural gas, “(LNG) is natural gas (predominantly methane, CH4) that has been converted to liquid form for ease of storage or transport” (Project).
Conservation of Mass and Energy are the hallmarks of our natural world, and as we progress as a civilization there is an ever increasing need to satisfy our growing demand for energy. This leads to the present need for more innovative solutions that are able to solve the world 's energy needs within the confines of the natural laws we live with. The Earth 's petrochemical reserves represent a finite amount of available, extractable, energy that mankind is able to harvest. In order to continue meeting the need for our civilization to thrive, or at the least, maintain, itself; we have to continue, as chemical engineers, providing new and novel ways to support the world with ways to implement Mass and Energy transportation. The main issue at hand is that newer, sustainable, energy is needed.
3. Liss, William. "Demand Outlook: A Golden Age of Natural Gas." Chemical Engineering Progress 108.8 (2012): 35-40. ProQuest.Web. Available at: <http://search.proquest.com/docview/1034899165?pq-origsite=summon>. Date accessed: 1 Nov. 2014.
The Cost Analysis for Decision Making project is intended to be a comprehensive evaluation of the key objectives covered throughout this course. It will challenge you to apply your knowledge of cost information when evaluating the decision to make or buy a product. Please use this outline and grading rubric as a guide to completing your course project. It provides specific details of the required elements of the project, and it will be used by your instructor as a grading guide.
Fresh methanol, Stream 1, is combined with recycled reactant, Stream 14, and vaporized prior to being sent to a fixed bed reactor operating between 250C and 368C. The single pass conversion of methanol in the reactor is 80%. The reactor effluent, Stream 7, is then cooled prior to being sent to the first of two distillation columns, T-201 and T-202. DME product is taken overhead from the first column. The second column separates the water from the unused methanol. The methanol is recycled back to the front end of the process, while the water is sent to waste water treatment to remove trace amounts of organic compounds.
With climate change and pollution rapidly developing international issues, the demand for alternative sources of fuel has grown exponentially in recent years. Due to these developments, Nocera’s invention was initially met with wide disappointment following its highly-publicized release due to its sole capability of creating gaseous fuel. The Harvard
After the first discovery of GHs in 1810, GHs have been considered a scientific curiosity since the process converts liquid water and gas guest into a solid. It was not until the 20th century that the importance of GHs was recognized by the industry. GHs have attracted the interest of researchers due to the fact that the pipelines were regularly blocked by GHs formation. Therefore, the majority of the focus for many researchers
The United States currently has the realistic capability of meeting roughly 64 percent of its gas demand with alternative fuels. This plan of alternative fuels relies mostly on BioDiesel from algae, while also utilizing ethanol from corn. As for the other 36 percent of our demand, we can rely on our own crude oil production by utilizing natural gas (CNG). A great attribute of all of these fuel sources is that they can be distributed
Children have to face many things during their parents divorce like conflict between their parents, the transition of being in two homes, and dealing with the changes that happen during their parent’s divorce. Many children will react differently to their new situation and many factors can affect how they transition through the divorce. Parent’s divorce can leave kids feeling alone and like they cannot trust or rely on their parents anymore. Kids will react at different times with different emotions some will act out and others might avoid people and being social. Parents need to understand that their children are also grieving as
Distillation is a technique used to purify and separate substances based on the different chemical properties of each substance. By heating the mixture, vaporizing, and condensing the vapor, the resulting substance with lower boiling point can be then collected and analyzed. In this lab two type of distillation were performed the simple and the fractional distillations. In the simple distillation, the resulting vapors immediately go through into the condenser that condenses the compound by cooling it. In the fractional distillation, the fractionating column provides theoretical plates on which the refluxing compound can condenses, re-evaporate, and condenses again. The purpose of this experiment is to compare the efficiency of simple
Mother Nature gave us natural resources to patronize and natural gas is one of them. Small quantities of ethane, propane, butane and pentane are found in the natural gas composition but it is mostly made up of methane. The high volume of pipeline gas makes it difficult for it to be transported in its gaseous form. This is the reason why the oil industry is dominating because of how easy it can be transported. Pipelines are suitable for transporting pipeline natural gas but constructing the suitable infrastructure is very expensive and not technically feasible for global transportation.1 In addition, for you to be able to make it in the gas industry you need trading partners to buy your natural gas. Having said that, one can deduce that the only way to make a
Whether for procreation, as with early humans who knew that a large group meant more protection and a better chance at survival, or for pleasure, as many current societies interpret and present it sex has driven decisions and cultures throughout history. However, modern technologies and interpretations of sex, in particular the way it is portrayed in advertisements and entertainment, have begun to alter the way that society views individuals—particularly women. With the creation of the internet, a person’s access to sex in the form of pornography has sky rocketed. In addition, many companies have begun to increase the number of advertisements produced that contain sexual images or themes—subscribing to the notion that sex sells. Massive amounts of sexualized images, particularly of women, are available for free consumption. Overall, the increased prevalence of pornographic images, particularly violent images, both through advertising and entertainment media, has led to changes in how society perceives women and gender in a modern setting.