The Year 1000
Health and diseases are very important factors of our life, but with the life expectancy of thirty-one in the eleventh and twelfth century why did they continue to live in such of a un hygienic ways? Of Course with non existent knowledge of hygiene the filth left by the human feces, it was the only detriment to their lives, but their faith seemed to have been more important than anything. Superstitions also had a role in this, it was believed that disease was a spread of bad odors. It was also believed that the diseases of the body were caused by the sins of the soul. Dating back to the medieval times, if you were to have a somewhat like demon soul, of course the logical thing to do at that time was trepanning. It was a form
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Piers Plowman declared, “ I must sustain myself till Lammas when I hope to have harvest in my barn, then I can have the kind of meal I like.” The activity involved the whole community. Left and right laborers were working every single hour of the month for the best meal they could possibly have. To assess the health of the people back then, modern archaeological experts studied excreta. They intensively rummaged through the latrine pit of ancient community’s. After the intensive research, they have found recurring gut infection and a diet with a high vegetable content are the reason why stomach bowels in the year 100 were significantly looser motion than they are today. Many people took it for granted that there bodies should provide hospitality for pests. There were inoffensive whipworm to the more threatening maw worm which could grow as long as 30 centimetres migrating through the body. Cemeteries dug up from corners of England revealing thirteen Anglo-Saxon skulls have been pierced with neatly drilled holes, and there was evidence of bone healing, which removes the possibility that trepanning wasn’t some type of sacrificial ritual. There are many more ancient medical practices in Bald’s Leechbook that can be proven as one of the most ridiculous ideas ever to the most useful tool
More issues such as sickness, and death arose due to the overcrowding of people and the unsanitary conditions they lived in. Thomas B. Macaulay, a social historian, states people live longer because they are better fed, better lodged, better clothed, and better attended in sickness. (Doc 3) This without a doubt means that if people had better conditions in living, and not as much overcrowding, they would live longer. One big issue that was an ongoing problem during this time was disease and infection. Disease would take a lot of lives, and people could not do anything about it because, because they did not know how to fight it. Edwin Chadwick stated that the annual loss of life from filth and bad ventilation is greater than the loss from death or wounds in modern wars. (Doc 6) With foods being contaminated, it was obvious that people would have died from infection and disease. In Manchester during this time, people were dying rapidly due to many reasons. The Lancer, a British medical journal, published a work stating the average death in certain places. More of the working class would be likely to die faster than a regular artisan or trader. (Doc 8) The main reason this happened is obvious. It was because the working class would live in poor conditions, and would be overcrowded. With this being said, the workings’ class condition was not any better than how they
The atmosphere was not sanitary and made people sick. Document six is an example as to why disease and poor health led to a shorter life span. “Diseases caused or aggravated by atmospheric impurities produced by decomposing animal and vegetable substances, by damp and filth, and close and overcrowded dwellings, prevail among the laboring classes. The annual loss of life from filth and bad ventilation is greater than the loss from death or wounds in modern wars. The exposed population is less susceptible to moral influences, and the effects of education are more temporary than with a healthy population.
As we move out of the 20th century into a world where technology is changing the way we work and play and are educated, college enrollment is at an all time high. But based on the SAT and ACT scores, academic achievement has declined leading to the question in Joyce Baldwin's article, "Liberal Arts for New Millennium", of whether or not a liberal arts background should still be included in the definition of "an educated person".
water they used was mostly unclean which lead to many illnesses and sicknesses that were passed from
There were those who made the tins for the canned meat; and their hands, too, were a maze of cuts, and each cut represented a chance for blood poisoning. Some worked at the stamping machines, and it was very seldom that one could work long there at the pace that was set, and not give out and forget himself and have a part of his hand chopped off. There were the "hoisters," as they were called, whose task it was to press the lever which lifted the dead cattle off the floor. They ran along upon a rafter, peering down through the damp and the steam; and as old Durham's architects had not built the killing room for the convenience of the hoisters, at every few feet they would have to stoop under a beam, say four feet above the one they ran on; which got them into the habit of stooping, so that in a few years they would be walking like chimpanzees. Worst of any, however, were the fertilizer men, and those who served in the cooking rooms. These people could not be shown to the visitor, – for the odor of a fertilizer man would scare any ordinary visitor at a hundred yards, and as for the other men, who worked in tank rooms full of steam, and in some of which there were open vats near the level of the floor, their peculiar trouble was that they fell into the vats; and when they were fished
In 1309 any one dumping on the streets were fined and the fines were not enforced and little for their culture was done other than pay the fines to collect the money and the rich London Aires were glad to receive those cash. There were three professions to clean the dirty cities of London. The task was consequently messy and harmful to the health of the workers. The worker was to take the filthy trash and waste outside of the city however, most of it was taken to other people land.
This essay will explore the wonderful decade that stretched from 1900 to 1910. Diving into this invigorating and progressive era, it is recognizable that most Americans during this time, were very open and eager to change the way things were being run. Throughout this essay the reader will get to inspect what made this decade so effective due to its plethora of inventions, innovative morals, and the prosperity of its labor.
During the Medieval era there were many diseases. Because of the lack of hygiene in the medieval times, diseases would spread like a wildfire. Just to name a few common diseases that happened in this time, there was the Black Death, leprosy, measles, and typhoid fever. These were most likely transported because of dirty bedsheets and blankets, unwashed clothing, and rodents. The treatments for these diseases and other things, such as medicine for stomach pains, medicine for wounds, and medicine for headaches, are different from today’s standards.
Alchin, Linda. “Elizabethan Medicine and Illnesses. ” Elizabethan Medicine and Illnesses. Web. 04 Apr. 2016
Four years ago I thought I knew everything, I was invincible, and no one or nothing could stop me. Then I started high school at Topeka High and realized just how much I didn’t know. Like no one dresses up in formal attire to attend the homecoming school dance. If you have to walk from first floor to third floor don’t attack all three flights of stairs at once, and that if you want someone to make a SHORT announcement on the intercom, don’t ask Mr. Hays.
I have tried my utmost best in all my courses; both high school and college courses. I made it my responsibility to take challenging classes that are taught by rigorous and strict teachers that will give me an understanding of the real world and college; there will be no exceptions. However, my academic record does not describe my character as a student adequately. For History 102, I was on track to receive an A for the class after the final, but my older brother sadly died, and I could not complete the course. I am going to retake the
Why do you think cities are as large as they are today and women play such an important role in society? The 20s was the time period that started life as we know it for these two key elements in our modern country. In the 20s, there were two major changes that took place which changed America permanently. The first change in America was that cities grew which caused new ways of life and more technology. Another change was that women of the 20s were more independent and could have the same freedoms as men could. The 20s brought many changes to America, the most crucial being urbanization and new roles for women.
The 1980s was a time where a lot of change took place. Some of these changes were pretty quirky including the movies, music, fashion, and politics of the time. Most people were ready for something different and that is what the 1980s presented. It became eccentric with music and fashion from Madonna and Cyndi Lauper, bands like Guns n’ Roses and Metallica, Reagan’s changes to the economy, Nintendo, and bright colors and big hair. The impact of this decade continues on in today’s society.
On the other end of the society scale, the working poor were working and living in unbearable conditions. There were no irrigation systems, running water or any way of preserving hygiene in the homes or the factories. The working poor lived in slums and tenements which were breeding grounds for diseases. In the book, “The Condition of the Working-Class in England in 1844” by Friedrich Engels, he states, “ the end of the covered passage, a privy without a door, so dirty that the inhabitants can pass into and out of the court only by passing through foul pools of stagnant urine and excrement.” (page 78)1. This gives us a peek into the horrible unsanitary conditions that the working class were forced to endure while the business owners were living in beautiful mansions and summer houses.
Hurtado says in his book intimate Frontiers that “each newcomer transformed California the exotic into California the familiar, a long established pattern that yet continues” (133). I somewhat agree with Hurtado’s statement that everyone who migrated to California for whatever reason tried to convert California into a place that looks familiar, each and every person left their mark on California, and this is why California today is a blend of different cultures and different races. Even today we see a lot of immigrants try to fit in, in order to fit in they try to change things, make their temples, churches, mosques, they make their own community centers, they do this so that they don’t feel too alienated, they try to