
The Yellow Wallpaper Essay

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The story “The Yellow Wall-Paper” written by Charlotte Gilman .It brings to light how much the narrator hates wallpaper and is a significant symbol portrayal of awful state. The yellow wallpaper can have a representation of many conditions and ideas, among them, the mental state of the narrator. The paper is going to survey what the yellow wallpaper represents and notice how it is being depicted over the progression of the story. In addition, it will be explored why the yellow paper is likened to the narrator’s mental state. We start this by looking the state of women in the 19th century.
Following the 19th century, the society was so different from what it is now. Women were not found in the workforce, were not allowed to vote or rather have a word in anything before men. They had no permission in giving evidence during the court proceedings, nor speaking in public before the hearers. Once a woman was married, all her belongings were owned by a man, including her jewelry and clothes, as well as earnings and even the children. In case the man died, she was only entitled to the third of estate of her husband. Charlotte Perkins wanted to bring this to an end. The writer wanted individuals to get an understanding on the plight of females during the 19th century. Following the short story “The Yellow Wallpaper” the writer is trying to express this to the person who reads through a symbol of a mental state of the narrator. The restrictions that are imposed on women are

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