
The Yellow Walpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman

Decent Essays

After reading the title, “The Yellow Wallpaper”, no one is able to truly understand what they’re about to read. After thoroughly reading the story however, you are able to clearly understand what the “Yellow Wallpaper” actually means. The story begins to make even more sense after researching the author, Charlotte Perkins Gilman.
This story was written in the late 1800’s, which emphasizes women and their place in society. The narrator’s story is quite accurate given the treating of her illness and the overall treatment toward the narrator herself at the time of publication. The deterioration of the narrator’s emotional state began when her career was at a halt when the responsibilities of motherhood overwhelmed her. This is when the narrator begins to fall into a depression that her husband, a therapist that was well respected, treated by a form of rehabilitation called the ‘rest cure’. This cure consisted of rest and destruction of all thoughts or actions toward a career. When this method proved to be unsuccessful, the narrator begins to understand her roles of wife and mother as the source of her depression. This leads the narrator to leave her husband, as well as her own child, in pursuit of leaving behind the chain that brought her career to a halt.
As you can tell, the author was largely impacted during her rest cure treatment. This is where she found her inspiration to write “The Yellow Wallpaper”. The setting takes place at a summer estate. This estate seems as if

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