
The Zookeeper's Wife Essay

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Human Relationship with Nature: The Zookeeper’s Wife Inspiration
Humans and nature are two inseparable things in the world. They are invaluable to one another as seen from the benefits they derive from their interaction. However, the manner in which nature has been treated by a man in the story "The Zookeeper's Wife" depicts a man as both, inhumane to nature, at some times and human, at some point in life. The man is the leading destroyer of nature (Ackerman 21-22). People have the power to protect nature but this capacity and knowledge are founded on the inherent decisions that direct them to their objectives. In The Zookeeper’s Wife story, man has done what is unconditionally and adversely inhuman to animals. Animals are to be treated just as having similar intensity to life as human beings if not with similarity with human beings. …show more content…

The world today is full of weapons geared toward total destruction even to human life. In using these weapons, little concern is given to nature, including animals and plants. For instance, many weapons are used inside water, and in space, all of which are dangerous to the natural state of the environment. Massive weaponry has been brought by the German soldiers to be used during the war. Little attention is given to the tenderness of human nature that is seen with what Antonina is doing. After the bombings, she saves up to three hundred people, who apparently had to seek protection in the animal cages. The man has turned against humanity and against nature. Thus, it can be said that human treatment towards nature also includes attacks on fellow human beings. With people having to hide in animal cages, much can be said of the way humanity needs nature to survive, and that nature needs human protection in order to be sustainable. With an array of animals escaping, it is apparent that nature has to offer refuge besides protecting

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