
The duality of human nature

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The Duality of Human Nature

One of the most vital concepts incorporated into The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is the representation and depiction of the duality of mankind. Jekyll works to find a solution which will separate him into his reckless, immoral persona and his respectable, Victorian self. After consumption, this potion causes him to completely transform into a man who is known as Hyde. As Hyde, he can express himself in immoral, evil ways. This not only includes moral and immoral wants but rational and irrational wants. Not only does this transformation enable him to keep his good reputation even while he does horrid, unacceptable things, but it allows him to do things which he most likely would not even …show more content…

The conscious mind is above the waterline, the preconscious is below the waterline but still visible, and the unconscious is well submerged beneath the water and is not visible to us.

Though Jekyll is fully responsible for his behavior and actions, Hyde is not. While Jekyll has the option to do good or evil, Hyde is completely focused on evil as this was the intent of the transformation. The fact that Jekyll chose to create a potion to bring forth Hyde rather than bringing forth someone who was concentrated on pure good shows that Even a respectable man such as Jekyll had unconscious urges to do bad. “If he had “approached [his] discovery in a more noble spirit,” willing the good to overpower the evil, he would have “come forth an angel instead of a fiend”. Hyde on the other hand has no choice other than to do evil, and therefore it is arguable whether he should really be blamed for his actions.

Though duality in human nature is the central idea of the book, we do not become fully aware or even able to understand how it has any relevance to the book until the very end. Jekyll very clearly states his thoughts on this in chapter 10 “man is not truly one, but truly two”. Not only does he believe this, but also he believes that these two sides of man are “Polar twins”. Though the large majority of the focus is placed on Jekyll when trying to express this concept, we also see Utterson becoming “curious” at times which

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