
The managers job in context

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Manager’s Job in Context


Organizational Background – Dutch-Bangla Bank Ltd ………....................................3
Requirements and Job Description of Branch Manager.......................................3
Mr.Salam’s key people – internal and external interactions................................4
Internal Interactions:
Human Resource Manager...............................................................................................................4
Loan Officer......................................................................................................................................4
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Salam to meet or exceed the bank 's desired sales results and grow the customer base.
As a branch manager Mr. Salam is responsible for Monitoring financial transactions, Overseeing the efficient day to day processes, Supervising bank staff or workers, Preserving a professional environment, Preparing reports, forecasts, Managing or sanctioning loans, mortgages, investments, and account operations, Dealing with customer service or satisfaction issues, Hiring new team members and continuously assessing employee performance, Ensuring compliance and security procedures are adhered to, Pursuing lifelong professional and educational development etc. Including all of these activities Mr. Salam needs to communicate with top management to implement the company policy, code of conducts and procedure.
To accomplish all of these activities successfully and properly I think Mr. Salam should have the all of these skills such as Outstanding Interpersonal skills, Excellent management skills, Effective communication skills, Be dependable and truthful , Have initiative and ingenuity, Brilliant business acumen, Good Leadership skills, Diverse departmental skills in marketing, sales, accounting, finance, Extensive Knowledge of the local, national and internal economy, Multilingual – be able to speak more than one language, Proficient time, project and team management skills, networking, negotiating, and problem solving skills etc.
Mr.Salm’s Key People – Internal and External

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