
Their Eyes Were Watching God Character Analysis

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Zora Neale Hurston composed a classic African American love story entitled “Their Eyes Were Watching God” in 1937. Throughout the novel, Janie gets married three times in hopes of finding the contentment she has been searching for. Her first two marriages, with Logan Killicks and Joe Starks helps Janie realize that love does not automatically come from marriage. Her last marriage with Tea Cake shows her what true love is. After spending years seeking inner happiness and being a romantic dreamer, Janie becomes a dynamic character, therefore, she is able to enjoy the bliss of life she has always hoped for in a relationship. During the novel, Janie remains the protagonist of the story, as well as a dynamic and major character. She is the central …show more content…

While they swam through the rain to seek a safer area, a mad dog with rabies attempts to bite Janie, and Tea Cake saves her just in time but he gets bit on the cheek in the process. Janie is devastated and encourages him to see a doctor, but he refuses. Weeks later, the effects of the bite begin to show by causing Tea Cake to get very sick. The doctor tells Janie that Tea Cake will become treacherous and he will eventually perish from the rabies. However, Janie refuses to leave his side because of the love she has for him. Unfortunately, Janie soon has to shoot Tea Cake in order to defend herself from him threatening her with a gun. She is devastated that she had to perform this action, because she wanted him to live so much but yet she had to be the one to kill him. After Tea Cake’s funeral, Janie decides it will be best if she departs from the Everglades because of the lingering memory of Tea Cake which remained there. She returns back home with all of the belongings she has left and the whole town begins to gossip and judge her. However, she walks unashamed in her overalls and returns to her old house. Janie knows that she has now lived a fulfilled and happy life that consisted of true love. This portrays Janie’s changes and progressions as a character because she is now independent, but yet she is satisfied from the infatuation she shared with Tea

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