
Their Eyes Were Watching God Comparison

Decent Essays

When thinking of two books, you may find that they have attributes that are comparable, and some that are unalike. An example of this are the works To Kill A Mockingbird, and Their Eyes Wre Watching God. Although the two novels share similarities, as in their themes, and events, they also have differences embedded in the similarities including; differences in the trial and the themes.

The most recognizable similarity is that Tom Robinson from To Kill A Mockingbird, and Janie from Their Eyes Were Watching God, went through a trial.They were both African Americans with the jury being "twelve white men [who] had stopped whatever they were doing to listen..." (Hurston 185). They were also both charged for a crime they did not commit. However, this is where the contrasts come into play. In Tom's case, he was accused for raping and beating Mayella, when in reality he did not. In Janie's case, she shot Tea Cake to defend herself, but was accused of first degree murder. The biggest dissimilarity in this is that Tom's verdict was guilty and Janie's was innocent, whcih was rare for that time because "when it was a white man's word against a black man's, the white man always wins" (Lee 220). …show more content…

In this case it is both Janie and Scout who have lost their innocence. They both realize that things are different than they imagined them to be, and this causes them to have to grow up and mature quicker. The difference is that Scout went through the events leading up to the trial with Tom, the events during, and the ones after, an realized that the world is not so perfect. Janie thought love was something wonderful and beautiful between two people, but she was forced to marry Logan Killicks, who she did not love. She then knew that "marriage did not make love. Janie's first dream was dead, so she became a woman" (Hurston

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