
Their Eyes Were Watching God Symbol Analysis

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Their Eyes Were Watching God: Symbols and Images
In the novel, “Their Eyes Were Watching God” there were many symbols and images that helped the reader get a concise representation and description of the text. The symbols allow the readers to see the significance in certain things throughout the novel. Hurston mentioned specific things repeatedly that catches the reader's attention. Once the reader sees it appear continuously they are eager to find out its purpose and what it symbolizes.
The mule was mentioned multiple times and it symbolized bondage and victimization. On page 14, Nanny tells Janie that the black woman is the mule of the world. Women were belittled by society because they were looked at as the lowest creature and used to others advantage. This was relevant to the book because it shows how African-American women had to carry that burden by other individuals, but Janie also had to carry it in her first two marriages. During this time period it was normal for women to be treated …show more content…

The pear tree symbolized her idea of a relationship in the novel, but the general representation is longevity and equality. She believed that both the man and woman should be able to connect with one another effortlessly. It was important because the fulfillment did not occur until she later met Tea Cake. He understood that there should be communication, respect, and partnership within a relationship. Janie had finally found her significant other and the physical separation between them was the last thing she wanted to happen. However, page 193 tells the reader that Tea Cake wasn’t dead until Janie herself stopped feeling and thinking. Although he was gone from her presence, the memories, happiness, and freedom he gave her still remained until she died. After the years of being held back, she was finally at peace with everything, including the events that brought her complete

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