Psychology while being a young science has taken over the various aspects of our lives. Psychology is used very liberally ranging from advertisement to job selection. Psychology has various tests that are used independently in order to diagnose and measure the behaviour of an individual. The psychological tests all have various usage and can measure different behaviours or diagnose mental health issues. There are numerous psychological tests and the focus of the paper is on the thematic appreciation test and Rorschach Inkbolt test. The tests are used on myriads of institutions and the popularity of these keep rising. The tests are used for identifying personality traits, canadites for particular roles, checking IQ levels and many more. Thematic appreciation test and the Rorschach Inkbolt test are both part of psychological tests. Both Thematic appreciation test and the Rorschach Inkbolt test are categorized under the projective psychological test. The popularity of thematic appreciation test and Rorschach Inkbolt test are very high. The paper will focus on the comparing and contrasting the Rorschach Inkbolt test and thematic appreciation test along with their usage. The projective tests are from a part of the psychological tests. Rorschach Inkbolt test and thematic appreciation test are popular forms of testing. Rorschach Inkbolt test and thematic appreciation test are mainly used to test for personality tests, when presented with the vague images, words and unclear scenes.
According to the course syllabus we were introduced to the techniques of psychological research. This course was able to provide an understanding of how research is done, and what methods we can use to do so. By having a clear understanding of research and techniques used, it allows us to communicate effectively in regards to ideas behind the research process. In this paper, I will use myself as the case study to examine exactly what I learned about research.
When reporting data, it is important to analyze both measures of central tendency and measures of variability because each are equally important to accurately make conclusions. Central tendency provides the researcher with three scores that alone can be misleading, especially in the case of extreme values. Therefore, variability is calculated to explain how fluctuated the scores and inform the researcher of the major differences within the data set. The five traits of Psychology were analyzed with both types of descriptive statistics to inform the researcher of the most accurate depiction of the data.
On the day of President Trump’s Inauguration, Time reporter Zeke Miller wrote that a bust of Martin Luther King Jr. had been removed from the Oval Office. He retracted the statement a few minutes later and apologized for making a mistake. Miller’s apology was ignored by many, including President Trump. A day later, in a speech given to the CIA, President Trump accused Miller of false reporting. “So Zeke, Zeke from Time magazine writes this story about ‘I took down’ — I would never do that because I have great respect for Dr. Martin Luther King. But this is how dishonest the media is.” By accusing Miller of false reporting, President Trump was accusing the reporter of spreading what became commonly known during the 2016 presidential
Did you ever ask yourself who you really are? The Rorschach test tries to answer to this question. The Rorschach test is a projective test which means the subjects projects his unconscious mind and thoughts in the image to describe and explain it. There are a lot of different projective tests, but in this case, an inkblot test. In this essay we will discuss whether this test is still valid or not. We are firstly going to present you the creator of this test and what it is all about, after that, we will present you the different inkblots and what they reveal, and finally we will debate on the reasons that pushes this test to be more invalid than valid.
many, the word Rorschach is quite unknown and to others it is simply known as the inkblot test and even then, the real meaning of the Rorschach test is never acknowledged. The Rorschach inkblot test is a psychological projective test of personality in which a subject’s interpretation of ten standard abstract designs are analyzed as measure of emotional and intellectual functioning and combination. Also, like other projective techniques, “it is based on the principle that subjects viewing neutral, ambiguous stimuli will project their own personalities onto them, thereby revealing a variety of unconscious conflicts and motivations.” (Aronow; p 25)
Things All Return and Repeat In “The Empathy Exams,” Leslie Jamison examines the level of empathy and the way to approach it more than just saying a word or showing some kindness and call it empathy. From the first place that the narrator tries to understand the character in the script as a medical actor and grades medical students of the trope of showing empathy towards a patient, she delves into the meaning of the word that empathizing is something we perhaps can easily utter, but it may be very complicated to understand other people’s experience and feelings indeed. The last two paragraphs of the essay almost sum up the whole essay by repeating the narrator’s feelings all the way through her sufferings which make her understand the character
This paper introduces the overview of personality assessment approaches in use currently in society. It proceeds to review the big five personality measures, its validity in prediction of personality types (Archer, 2011). The topic on MIPS questionnaires use in personality measurements and scoring methods used by the system is reviewed. Aspects on the social desirability trait and the distortion produced in responses to evaluation questionnaires, being a significant part of the problems in personality assessment is examined. Social desirability does not have an influence on the predictive validity of personality assessments. It is not related to performance in the job. Various strategies used for reduction of social desirability have been studied. The various tools used in assessments are recapitulated including some methodological aspects (Weiner, 2009). Cultural aspects in evaluation of personality discussed are touched upon. Two case studies are used to show the real life situation of personality assessment.
To administer the test, an examiner, trained in the field of psychology, presents one inkblot at a time and the person he assesses says what each card portrays based on his emotional, and intellectual state. The examiner keeps notes of clients verbal interpretation as well as his nonverbal behavioral responses, such as silence, facial expressions, and gestures. Next, he asks the client based on which perceptions, internal (personality) and/or external (inkblot) characteristics he utilized or was influenced by in order to respond, and once again the administrator keeps notes. Afterwords, the responses are categorized and evaluated based on client's distinguished observations and/or movements derived from the cards,
Everybody has his or her own type of personality. We all act in a certain way that makes us who we are. It is believed that our parents, peers and, the environment we grow up in, shape us. Personality is describes as a combination of emotions, attitude, and behavioral patterns of an individual. There is a reason that we are the way we are and there are many theories that go along with that. Different theorist present their own definitions of the word personality based on their own theoretical positions. Which brings us to discussing Carl Jung’s theory of analytical psychology and Harry
Assessors would chose instruments that answer the referral questions. Therefore, the chosen instrument must be able to provide information that is well-found and to accurately identify a targeted trait and/or phenomena (Groth-Marnat, 2009). A number of criticisms on the Rorschach are related to its reliability and validity. Such criticism pointed to the importance of organized coding system. Due to Rorschach’s passing shortly after publishing the test, the instrument was utilized without a standard system. The comprehensive system (CS), which was introduced by J. E. Exner, Jr., has provided much needed standardization to the assessment method (Groth-Marnat, 2009; Weiner, 1999, 2001). More recently, another group of researchers developed a system known as the Rorschach Performance Assessment System (R-PAS) (Meyer & Eblin, 2012; see Meyer, Viglione, Mihura, Erard, & Erdberg, 2011). These systems have been proposed in the effort towards standardlization and increased validity (Choca, 2013). Of these two systems, CS is the most frequently used (Groth-Marnat,
Throughout most of Ernest Hemingway's works, a recurring code of conduct is portrayed within the characteristic qualities of the protagonist. This code, also commonly referred to as the "Hemingway Hero" code, is built upon three central components: self-reliance, confidence and courage, and personal violence and competition. The Hemingway Hero code is evidently present in The Old Man and the Sea as depicted in the main character, Santiago, an old Cuban fishermen who has gone 84 days without a catch. In the novella, Santiago fights against a marlin in what he determines to be the ultimate test of self-worth. Santiago embodies the Hemingway Hero code and its qualities of confidence and courage, self-reliance, and personal violence and competition through his distinguishing ability to endure.
The Thematic Apperception Test or TAT was developed during the 1930s by the American psychologist Henry A. Murray and psychoanalyst Christiana D. Morgan at the Harvard Clinic at Harvard University. The TAT is published by Harvard University Press. The cost is $81 per test. The test takes a total of 200 minutes to give. It is given in two 100-minute sessions one day apart. The population that the TAT is given to are ages 4 and over.
Psychological tests or psychological assessments are an important asset in the field of psychology. These tests are designed to measure people’s characteristics which pertain to behavior. There are a variety of different types of tests that can be used to assess different types of behaviors. According to the specific behavior or behaviors being assessed, tests are
Projective tests allow many psychologists to assess unconscious aspects of personality, a great advantage of projective testing is that since the subject doesn't know how can his or her response will be interpreted dues to the fact that there is no grading scale to go by, the subject is not easily led to lie or fake his or her personality traits. On the downside the responder's attitude can easily be influenced by the test setting, also since there is no grading scale the test results tend to lack validity and reliability, since the results may vary by examiners.
William Shakespeare is most arguably known for the characters portrayed in his work and the fact that his plays provide not only captivating plots, but insights to human nature, as well. This essence is most famously captured in Macbeth, a tale that turns into a tragedy because of the slow downward spiral of the main character, for which it is named. Shakespeare retains the significant ability to craft stories that surpass time and engage the emotions of the reader. In the case of Macbeth, Shakespeare has crafted a character that switches from protagonist to antagonist, but still remains relatable. Even when the main character becomes a murderer, his personality and monologue causes readers to feel for him emotionally. It is the reason why there is such a debate surrounding the issue of what caused Macbeth’s transformation. (Delahoyde, “Macbeth”)