
Theme Of Ambition In Fifth Business

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Ambition has always been described as a double-edged sword. It is loved and feared by many people, because it provides motivations and chances of being successful, however, when ambition gets too overwhelming, it will eventually lead to destruction. Ambition is the origin of all civilizations. When the seed of ambition is planted, the end of an era is only just the beginning, and the rise of a new age is just a matter of time. William Shakespeare’s play Hamlet and Robert Davies’s novel Fifth Business share some commonalities and differences. Both book and play have characters who strive for power and ambition. Hamlet in the play Hamlet and Percy Boy Staunton in Fifth Business clearly show the consequences of being overambitious. They all end …show more content…

In the play Hamlet, this loss of moral compass and the happening of the bad deeds are shown through a main character called Hamlet. In the play, Hamlet’s personal ambition is to avenge for his father King Hamlet who is killed by his uncle Claudius. Due to many unpredictable events and his personal imperfections, he is unable to kill his uncle, therefore, he starts to become nervous and his ambition engulfs him. This personal corruption is shown when he accidentally kills Polonius, a chamberlain who works for Claudius. “Mad as the sea and wind when both contend which is the mightier. In his lawless fit, behind the arras hearing something stir,whips out his rapier, cries 'A rat, a rat,'And in this brainish apprehension, kills the unseen good old man. (4.1.6-12) This quote reveals his condition that he is completely corrupted by his personal ambition and he starts to hurting other people around him to reach his demand. In addition, when he is overwhelmed, he loses his moral compass and sane, to a point that he starts harming people who are close to him. “Let me be cruel, not unnatural: I will speak daggers to her, but use none” (3.2 388-89). In this quote, he decides to use his words as a dagger when he talks to his mom. Even though his …show more content…

People will start detaching any connections involving them, whether it is voluntarily or otherwise. This occurs to Hamlet many times in the play, where he is isolated due to his ambition. In the play, Hamlet experiences many betrayals that leave him segregated. For example, Hamlet has two childhood friends Guildenstern and Rosencrantz, they are very dear to Hamlet. Yet, no matter how dear they are to him, they still choose to betray Hamlet when the king Claudius commands them to spy on Hamlet, for Claudius has already sensed Hamlet’s ambition. “But we both obey, and here give up ourselves, in the full bent, to lay out service freely at you feet to be commanded.” (2.2.29-32) This leaves Hamlet stranded on his road to vengeance. In addition, when his beloved father king Hamlet dies, he needs comfort and care from his loved one, however, his mother Queen Gertrude remarries Claudius and betrays his former husband in less than two months, this is another shock to Hamlet. “Let me not think on’t; frailty thy name is woman! A little month, or ere those shoes were old with which she follow’d my poor father’s body, like Niobe, all tears:-Why she, even she, O god, a beast that wants discourse of reason would have mourn’d longer.” (1.2.146-51) Not only she does not give support to Hamlet, she severs the only strand of hope that Hamlet holds, making him

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