
Theme Of Appearance Vs Reality In To Kill A Mockingbird

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To Kill A Mockingbird is a highly successful, awe inspiring novel written by Harper Lee. It guides the reader through the complex structures of the small town mentality in 1930’s America, which is all written through the mainly objective perspective of a young girl named Scout. The major draw factor of this novel is the eloquent yet sometimes brutally upfront way in which it portrays not only racism, but the theme of appearances versus reality too. The choices Harper Lee made in terms of setting, character choice, and language technique cleverly influenced my reactions to the latter theme.

The choice to set her novel in the fictional sleepy, small, Southern town of Maycomb plays an important role in the way I responded to the theme of appearances …show more content…

She was described as being extremely racist, and with a ‘wrathful gaze’ and someone who Scout did not look kindly upon as per her description of the woman being ‘pure hell’. Both the words hell and wrathful conjure up devilish images in my head and I believe that this is an intentional connotation by the author. Thus, from initial appearances it seemed obvious that Mrs Dubose is extremely unpleasant, prejudiced and shameless. However, further into the novel Atticus reveals that Mrs Dubose is in fact an extremely courageous woman who in the face of great difficulty perseveres to battle her morphine addiction. This challenged the harsh aspect of my reaction to the theme of appearances versus reality. This is because it showed me that we should not be so quick to judge and draw conclusions about someone’s nature as appearances do not tell their story. Initially I had typecast her as a weak woman who took pleasure in the derogation of others in order to compensate for her own physical frailty. However, further reading made me realise the possibility of Mrs Dubose growing up to be a great woman who may used her courage to stand up for others if she had been brought up in a different era which did not have such deep set negative ideals about negroes. Moreover, it made me realise that appearances are not necessarily mutually exclusive to the reality of a situation as is this case with this character. While she remains a racist throughout, she also has another facet to her personality which showcases great strength and thus initial appearances were not entirely incorrect but did not show the true reality

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