
Theme Of Beauty In Annie John

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Beautiful Black: Counter Rhetoric of Shame and Anger

Abstract The epitome of ideal beauty from a long time has been largely depicted as a woman with light complexion and blue eyes mostly. It wasn’t possible for women of colour to be classified as ideal beauty while white women hardly struggled to achieve this ideal. Jamaica Kincaid’s Annie John is a profound inspection of the creation of racialised and gendered identities in fictional texts. In the novel, Kincaid confronts Western standards of beauty and demonstrates that the concept of beauty is socially constructed. The major themes of a postcolonial nature like multicultural diversity, ethnic medicinal practices edging on superstition, racism, colonial hangovers, cultural domination by …show more content…

She can never be separated from her mother who is the world to her. On another plain the mother is a metaphorical representation of her attachment to the island country she lives in. Black is literally beautiful at this stage for the little girl. Her mother Anne is the model of an island beauty, her black complexion is coupled by her confidence and discipline. Her father is a carpenter and he too dotes on her. Annie loved her life in the island of Antigua full of multicultural diversity. Their life was devoid of complications and hence very happy and satisfying when Annie was small. The marriage of Annie’s parents was picture perfect while others in Antigua had different tales of relationships. Before his marriage Mr. John had lived with many women who gave birth to many of his children. Yet as the story begins there is no affection anymore and he looked at them like strangers. The fishermen Nigel and Earl shared the “same wife, a woman called Miss. Catherine” (Annie John 122). The girl takes in these various aspects of her island home in its essential entirety. The people were happy in their beautiful black skins. Such were the various diversities seen in the

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