
Theme Of Dramatic Tension In Macbeth

Decent Essays

In Macbeth Shakespeare use elements such as the supernatural, equivocation and ambition, in an attempt to create dramatic tension. Macbeth a tragic hero is forced to seek out witches in hope to know what his future entails. This visit is set on a dark and filthy cave referred to as the heath. The failed assassinating of Fleance and Macduff rude disregard for Macbeth’s banquet foreshadows Macbeth actions at this point in the play. Macbeth feels insecure with regards to prolonging his kingship if Fleance, Banquo’s heir still lives. His fear is a result of a prophecy by the witches upon Banquo’s life, before he was brutally assassinated by murderers hired by Macbeth. The aim of this essay is to explain how William Shakespeare uses the supernatural, …show more content…

The weird sisters first tell Macbeth a known fact, that he is “Thane of Glamis”, in order to gain his trust so that ultimately everything they say thereafter he believes. Similarly in this encounter the weird sisters’ use the same form of trickery on him. This is evident in their first apparition “Beware Macduff.” The audience and Macbeth already know that Macduff threatens Macbeth’s reign especially when he boycotts the banquet. Both the encounters are in the heath and are dominated by thunder, darkness and conjuring up of spirits. These scenes enhance and maintain the evil and supernatural feel of the play. In his first encounter with the weird sister Macbeth thought of them as “fantastical”, intriguing and of “strange intelligence” and he spoke to them with respect “speak if you can: what are you?” (I.iii.48). However during this encounter he is rude and demanding. He insults the weird sisters when he calls them “old hags of the night” and demands “Howe’er you come too know it, answer me” (IV.i.56)” apparitions of them. He sees them as his possessions and their duty being to foretell fate upon his request. Macbeth is well aware of his actions; he’s desperately trying to hold on to power and kingship and is therefore very calculative and deliberate in his actions.

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