
Theme Of Fear In The Crucible

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Fear, An Unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that something or someone is dangerous. Hysteria, exaggerated or uncontrollable emotion. Revenge, The action of inflicting pain or harm to another after they have caused damage to you. All of these emotion play a huge part of the Crucible, these emotions cause characters to lie, and make decisions that can change the life of them of people around them, sometimes good most times bad. Emotions can play a big part in life or death situations like we saw in the Crucible. Fear, A Lot of characters in the novel had to experience this emotion. Between sinning against their religion, or just the fear of death. It all played a huge part in the play,Abigail Williams one of the main characters was accused of witchcraft and she was really scared. Not only was she young but she had a lot to live for leaving her in a hard situation. When she and her fellow friends were under trial for this act, fear lead them to lie and blame others for what they did. Not only did they not see the outcome of lying, and risking someone else's life for the crime they committed. Fear was also shown in the faces of the people, When the girls said they saw the devil on the innocent man's back, the fear poured into the people, also leading them to make actions that maybe went against their will and was not the right choice. Fear was a huge game changer for the people affected in the play, and it is an emotion that will kill you or save your life.
Hysteria, One very very important emotion that was shown a lot in the play, from showing extreme happiness when a “witch” was executed or when they finally caught a criminal or a sinner. But also hysteria ties into fear, it can over take your brain with no question, You could be the nicest person in the world and if you were around a angry mob fighting for the same thing you are you might join the mob and do some nasty actions without question or clear thoughts. John Proctor one the main characters was able to show Hysteria at one time or another in the play, when they accused him for witchcraft, and said if he turned himself in that they would post it on the door of the church his emotions ran wild. Screaming “This is my name” “This is my name” to the

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