
Theme Of Hospitality In Homer's Odyssey

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The Odyssey is an epic poem envisioned centuries ago by an individual name Homer. The poem tells a tale concerning a Trojan War hero named Odysseus who after ten years has still not returned home to Ithaca. A large mob of suitors overrun Odysseus’ palace and pillage his land, as well as court his wife the wise Penelope. His return home is dire in order to vanquish these suitors and reclaim his land and position as king. Along his journey home he is captured and imprisoned by a witch/nymph named Calypso who is possessed by love for him. Odysseus longs to return home yet has neither a ship nor crew to assist him in escaping. On Mount Olympus, Zeus sends Hermes to rescue Odysseus from Calypso. Hermes persuades Calypso to let Odysseus build a …show more content…

The value of hospitality manifest’s within the Odyssey due to the fact that traveling in the Hellenistic age was much more extensive and lengthier than in modern times. The less advanced methods of transportation (by foot or by boat) were much slower than in today’s society. Also, there were obviously no hotels around. Because of this, travelers had to rely on the hospitality of others for shelter, food, and protection. Hospitality is important because it forms the moral and ethical constitution for most people. In the Odyssey Odysseus is affected by hospitality throughout his travels. For example, the Phaeacians welcome Odysseus with open arms, providing him with not only food and a place to lay his head, but also a ship with a crew to get home. Another central core value that is expressed in the Odyssey is loyalty. Odysseus’ devotion to his family, his country, and his god is unwavering. Along his journey, Odysseus is presented with the opportunity to be unfaithful to his wife, renounce his country, and ignore his beliefs. Even though he sometimes falters and some of his decisions have negative consequences, his allegiance, love for his wife, and desire to return home never declines. Lastly, I believe one of the most prevalent core values in the Odyssey is perseverance. Despite the many obstacles and challenges Odysseus faces, Odysseus never gives up. For example, when Odysseus does not know how to escape the Cyclops, he makes a noble attempt to survive by riding under the bellies of sheep. Odysseus’ perseverance pays off though, when he returns home and reclaims his position as

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