
Theme Of Insanity In Hamlet

Decent Essays

Throughout Shakespeare’s tragedy Hamlet, we follow Hamlet on his course to seek revenge for the death of his father. To do so, he puts on a mask of insanity and people start to question whether it was really only just a mask. He manages to convince even his mother of his act. However through his words, thoughts, and seeing Ophelia’s true breakdown we can see he was truly putting on an act to fulfill his quest of vengeance.

When Hamlet speaks with the ghost and hears the tragic news about his father he begins to plots his revenge. He speaks with his good friend Horatio and tells him he is going, “to put an antic disposition on” (1.5.191). Hamlet is literally telling Horatio that he is feigning his madness. If he notices any strange behavior from hamlet this is why. Throughout the play Hamlet keeps his word and only acts rationally around Horatio and feigns his insanity around others. But why pretend to be crazy?

Through Hamlets proposed madness Claudius sends Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to spy on Hamlet to discover the cause of his behavior. Aware of the spies, Hamlet tells them, “I am but mad north-north-west” (2.2.359). Hamlet uses this tactic of false insanity to keep them oblivious to his plan of murder, and just simply thinking he’s nuts. Hamlet’s madness is only present when he is in certain company. It takes a …show more content…

With news of her father’s death by hand of the man she loved, and that same mans total rejection and disappearance, there’s no doubt. For most of Act IV Scene V she is singing about love and death while the king and queen are trying to talk to her. All of her responses are just more singing. Ophelia’s break down directly leads to her death by suicide. We can compare her mental state to hamlets and we can clearly see the difference. Hamlet’s death wasn’t intentional and he didn’t have as much of a reason to go

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